(Shiro)Kaneki Ken X Reader |Meow?|

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Warning, sexual content is in this chapter.

Kaneki begins walking into the kitchen, after a few hours of  rest.

It was currently 1:30 in the morning.

Sleep exhaustion took over him, making him a groggy mess.

He hears his partner in the kitchen,  fixing coffee.

She turns around, handing him the coffee cup.

"Thanks." He croaks.

"Yeah, how'd you sl- Uh.."


He took notice of her suprised face and tinted cheeks.

A hand slowly slipped up to her face, covering her grin.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

She begins dragging him to the bathroom.

She shoves him in letting him examine the mirror.

She steps back, lettjng him take in his appearance.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He screams.

He pulled on his white ears that flopped out of his white hair.

"Look, you even have a tail!" She softly grabs his tail and massages it.

"S-stop!" He lightly turns around to push her away.

"Awh but you look so cute!"

This was so unlike her. She was typically quiet and reserved.

But the look on her face and the excitement exploding in her eyes, he couldnt help but feel his heart beat faster.

She wrapped her arms around him , pulling him in an embrace.

"Kaneki you look so adorable!"

"No I don't. Stoppit!"

Heat rushes to his cheeks as he angrily stomps off to the bedroom.

As he plops onto the couch, he hears her snickering and giggling.

"I said-"

"I know I know Ken. I'm sorry." She stops smiling, laying down next to him.

He crosses his arms as he relaxes back into the pillow.

"How did this even happen?"

"I have no clue (y/n) but it's embaressing."

Awkward silence feels the air as she sits up.


"What now?" He retorts.

"Can I try something?"

"Will you leave me alone when you're done?"

She thought for a moment, then mutters, "Yeah."

"Fine." He grumbles.

She straddles his hips pinning him down.

"H-hey! What are you doing?" He yells.

"Stop just, watch!"

"But you are sitting on m- MYUH"

She shifted her hips, reaching to massage his fluffy white ears.

"Aww do you like that?"

"Will- ah, will you stop!"

She pet his head, feeling his white tresses under her palms.

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