Ayato Kirishima x Reader |Help|

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His pained eyelids flutter open, realeasing his purple, blue hues.

He feels his body relaxed in a soft bed, staring up at the ceiling .

The walls were a different color.

The covers were a different color as well.

A deep maroon cloth danced across the matress.

His bed was uncomfortable, creaky, broken, and messy. His sheets were a dirty white and tan.

These were clean and smelled of mint. The scent inhaled through his nose.

Only then did he realize this was not where he lived.

"Where the hell am I?" He thought.

He shot up from the bed to reveal a room with a door directly infront of him.

He opens the door, walking outside of the room and into a carpeted hallway.

Light poured in from the opening on the other side of the hallway.

He walked on his toes, quick and swift through the hall and around furniture.

He heard minor blips of sounds coming from an area in the kitchen.

A scent hit his nose, a sweet juicy aroma flooded his senses.

His mouth watered as his ghoul senses took over.

Ignoring the pain and electric shock runing up his body, he peers in the kichen.

"A girl? Easy target, just get the food and leave."

Her backside was facing him, cooking meat and preparing coffee.

"You're finally up?" she asks, still not facing him.

"How did she know?"

He lunges towards her only to be pinned to the floor.

Her demonic eyes peirced into his.

"I clothe you, I heal you, I give you a place to stay, I'm preparing a meal for you, and you decide to try and kill me?" she mocks, monotone.

His eyes stare back at her, frustrated.

"You know, I could have left you out there to die. You're buddies left you for dead." She retorts, adding pressure to his neck.

"You had 4 broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, bruises and internal bleeding, that I took care of. Would you like some more problems?"

He grunts in response.

"Didn't think so. Get your ass up, you need food. Eventually I'll send you on your merry fuckin way. Ungrateful bastard."

He shakily stands up, regaining his composure.

Handing him a plate of food he shakily grabs it.

His body fails him and he drops to his knees, dropping the plate, breaking it in the process.


She stares at the mess.

"I'm gonna take you back to bed and I'll bring you another plate."

She gets on her knees before scooping him into her arms.

Ayato is embaressed, humilited that he is even in this situation.

"I can fucking walk myself!"

"Shut up before I drop you."

Eventually they make it to the room and she lays him in bed.

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