AU!Levi X Abused!Reader | Stop | {Part 1}

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Your boyfriend's name is Trent, I just used a name generator. Imagine him how you'd like. If you'd like me to find a description of him, please let me know and I will be glad to do so.

Trigger Warning

Growing up with Levi doesn't sound as bad as it looks. From childhood friends to angsty teenagers, they always expected the unexpected. They dealt their hand of cards with the same palms, with the same hearts, and the same passion. They always backed each other up in times of dire need. 

She had learned that Levi sure loved his horror movies and tea, not to mention the endless hours of cleaning that he forced her to endure. A blunt, but passionate man to say the least.

Much like Levi, she was quite equanimous. She was also a people pleaser, she thoughtfully enjoyed the smiles on people's faces, especially if she was the one who caused them. She took everything personally and often found herself to be her own worst enemy. 

While being offered constructive criticism, she would take it to heart. So the next question is if she is such a sensitive person; so sensitive that just a small little insult from any other person than Levi himself would make her want to combust into tears ...

How in the hell did she find herself to be in a relationship with an abusive man? 

Trent. Levi despised that bastard. He wasn't exactly sure why, but his intuition was telling him he didn't like the vibes he gave. Ever since Trent came into the picture, (Y/n) had spent less and less time with him. While he would have understood, he wanted her to be happy, the thing is...

She didn't seem happy.

The discoloration under her eyes was worse than before. Having them both suffer from insomnia, it was normal to see tiredness, but she just looked utterly exhausted.

Long sleeves, she wore them more often, he noticed for sure. He wasn't quite connecting the puzzle pieces, that and he refrained from wrongfully assuming things. 

He knew for sure, something was up.


Just like any other day, Levi would wait for her to go back home after a tiresome day.

Sneaking in through the window was pretty funny to say so the least, her reaction every time was priceless. 

A quick roll of the eyes, a small smile accompanying her lips as she would scoff, "You know I leave the key in the spot we talked about, right?"

Although he wouldn't admit it, he adored her smile. 


Her keys fumbled with the lock of the door, before swiftly opening it, dropping her bags next to the door, and shutting it behind her. 

She took her shoes off, leaving them neatly next to her purse. She then walks into her living room to plop on the couch, staring straight ahead to the television that displayed a vacuum commercial. 

She heard a faint sip of liquid, causing her to quickly turn her head to the side, towards the sound. 

"When the hell did you get here?" She gasps, confused as to why she hadn't noticed him until now.

Levi sets his tea down onto the coffee table in front of them before raising an eyebrow.  "About thirty minutes ago." 

"And did you use the key this time like I mentioned before?" She asks, reaching for the pillow he held in his lap.

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