I was too wound up over that message to the point where I couldn't concentrate and it was apparent to the teachers as in Maths, Mrs Edmond called me to the front.

"Skylar, is there a reason you're not paying attention in my class?" Her stern voice demanded an answer.

The lack of sleep from the night before didn't help when it came to dealing with her and from the way her posture changed she obviously didn't like my answer.

"Oh don't take it too personal, I've been like this in every class," I had answered, my palm digging into my right eye as I rubbed the tiredness away.

She glanced around the room, at the students who were quietly working with their heads down, before biting her lip and sighing.

"Can I see you outside for a moment please?"

I nodded, not having the energy to argue with her.

She pulled the door open, holding it so I could exit the classroom after her and she made sure to close the door before she started speaking.

"Skylar, I've noticed your grades are dropping, even more so than when you started school and we're going to start having tests every week as soon as we come back from the Easter break."

At my response –which was to just stare at her and pretend I was taking everything she said in- she sighed and conscious to my uncaring manner she held up a finger signalling for me to wait.

She went back into the classroom and I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes momentarily before the word, Cupcake, flashed across my mind.

My eyes shot open at the thought, doing this just as she came back causing her to frown at my distressed state.

I pushed myself off the wall, shaking my thoughts away, at least trying to seem like I cared in what she was about to talk about.

"I don't usually do this but something's obviously going on, here's a hall pass. Go to the bathroom and recompose yourself until you're ready to come back in."

Once again I nodded. I took the paper from her outstretched hand and started down the hallway towards the girl's bathroom.

"And Skylar-" I turned around and that harsh look was back on her face "-no more than ten minutes or you'll get a detention." With that she turned to the door, opening it and disappearing to attend to her class.

Just as I thought she was warming up to me, I thought miserably.

I made my way to the bathroom and once I was there, I splashed some cold water on my face trying to wake myself up.

My attempt at reinvigorating myself seemed to work as when I returned to the classroom, placing the hall pass on her desk, she sent me a small smile from her seat.

But it was quickly gone as she whispered, "I would like to have a chat with you at the end of class."

I threw my hands up in the air in bewilderment, "I came back in ten minutes."

She nodded, "Yes, you did. But that still doesn't give you a valid reason to miss those minutes that you weren't paying attention in this class. You don't have any notes."

I pursed my lips, not wanting to say anything that would throw me into a detention. "Fine."


I sat down in my seat, taking notes this time and when it came to the end of the class, I tried hurrying out with the rest of the class but her voice stopped me.

I thought maybe she had forgotten.

I walked back to her desk and watched as she pulled out a file from her draw before facing me.

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