Chapter Thirty-One

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He jolted away with a start, groaning in agony at the crick in his neck.

Kaitlin looked down at him scornfully, her arms crossed, "I knew this would happen," she reprimanded, "Blake, you look like hell."

Blake's eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, his hair was messy and matted; his tie was loose and his shirt was stained with coffee, his trousers creased and a hole in the heel of his sock.

He shot Kaitlin a crinkled smile, yawning and stretching, "Hey Kait."

"How's she doing?" Kaitlin asked

"Doctor's said no brain damage, the fracture to the skull will take around three months to heal. The GCS score will be recorded once she's awake and then they'll see whether neurosurgery is necessary." He let out a giant yawn.

"Neurosurgery?!" Kaitlin exclaimed, "It's that serious?"

"The fracture is coupled with a small blood clot from harsh impact when her head hit the floor. They need to be 100%."

"Blake, you're really not doing yourself any favours whatsoever here." Kaitlin sighed

A familiar nurse, Monica, walked into the room. She had been looking after Amelia overnight and she was friendly and kind.

"Good morning Mr Goldstein," Monica smiled, "And you must be Amelia's sister, the resemblance is very strong!"

Kaitlin smirked, "We get that all the time, but I'm afraid we're best friends, sisters-in-law in fact, I'm married to her brother."

"Oh, the infamous James!" Monica exclaimed, "What a lucky woman you are."

Kaitlin giggled and blushed

"Excuse me, I'm going to get a top-up for Amelia's meds." She departed the room.

Blake yawned again and Kaitlin frowned, "I can't stay long. Chanel called last night, I got the campaign. I'm shooting in Paris today."

"Kait! That's fantastic! Why didn't you say?!" Blake exclaimed

Kaitlin shrugged, "Not my top priority right now."

Monica re-entered the room, holding a drip bag, "Mr Goldstein, if you don't mind me saying so, you look awful."

Blake chuckled humourlessly, "I feel it."

"Why don't you go home and get some—"

"I'm not leaving her. What if something happens?"

Monica scratched the top of her head, "There's a room with a bed just down the hall. I'll get the nurse on call to give you a shout if anything changes."

Blake frowned, "I don't know..."

"Come on Blake, I'm sure someone will be here to wake you up if anything changes, and if not there's always the nurses. You've got to think about Mia here, you're not going to be able to look after her if you can't even function yourself! You're a ball of stress, Blake, you'll upset her."

Blake sighed, picking up his suit jacket and shoes, "Fine. But call me if anything happens!"

Monica nodded, "I'll tell the nurse on duty."

"Thank you Monica, and you Kait, I really do appreciate this. You're right, I'm shattered, I need some sleep before I can even think about looking after Mia," he yawned, "So, night everyone."

"Night Blake... well, morning..." Kaitlin smiled

"Good night Mr Goldstein. The room is the last on the right. Let the nurses know if you need anything, alright?"

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