Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Blake grumbled, flipping his pillow onto the cold side and snuggling back down into bed with an almighty sigh. Soft lips pressed against his neck and he groaned, batting them away, before they came back again.

“No,” he groaned, opening one eye, then the other.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Blakey, happy birthday to you.” Amelia sang softly, smiling down at him.

A slow grin stretched wide across his face as he leant up on his elbow to kiss her.

She kissed him back, leaning forward as he leant back. They pulled away breathless.

“Happy birthday, love of my life.” She smiled, “Your coffee is on the side table.”

He grinned, pecking her lips again, “Thank you baby.”

“Can I get your presents now?” she jumped up and down in excitement

“Ooft. Bloody hell Mia.” He groaned, as she bounced on his stomach.

“Sorry. Presents now?”

“Mia! I told you I didn’t want anything!”

She rolled her eyes, “Well, I was hardly going to listen to that, was I?” she got up and out of bed and slid the presents out from underneath.

“Mia!” he shouted, “All of those?!” he counted the six presents that she had pulled out and placed on the bed, beside him.

“Blake, just open the presents and don’t complain, or you’ll upset me.

He sighed, “Thank you baby.”

“Open that one first.” She pointed to the smallest present

He smiled and unwrapped it, “Wow Mia, Mechanical Bull? This is exactly what I wanted! Thank you!”

“I know how much you like the Kings of Leon, so I thought why not? The next one is related, so just open that one next?”

He ripped open the envelope and stared at her open mouthed, “Front row tickets to the tour? The actual freaking Kings of Leon tour! This isn’t until like next year! Mia!”

She grinned, “You like it?”

“I don’t know what to say, Mia!”

“Then don’t say anything. Open up the next one.”

“Alright then,” he unfolded the paper, “You have got to be kidding me! Mia, this is one of the most expensive whiskey’s I have ever—“

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