Chapter 37

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Gorgina's POV

I placed all the left foods in a plastic bag. I washed all the untensils. After, I decided to sit down i
On sofa and watch television.

"Where's he? What time is it? Does he have plans to go home?" I whispered to nowhere. It's almost half an hour since he left me all alone. I suddenly wonder if he'll come back.

Suddenly, I heard the knob got twisted and I saw him.

"Cauli?" I immediately stood up and walked to him. "What happened?" I asked in worried voice.

"Ruby's here." He stated.

"What? Where?"

What shall I do?

"I don't know. Maybe, in your house at this moment."

"Then what should we do?"

He shrugged and said, "Nothing." He walked down the living room and threw his body on sofa.

"What? What do you mean?" I followed and sat beside him. He covered his face with pillows.

"I don't want to hurt you." He said when he's still covering his face with pillows.

"What? I didn't understand you- hey!" I grabbed the pillow and threw it away. "Are you..." I tried to removed his hand covering his face. "Your face is wet." Half question, half statement. "Are you crying?" My eyes widened.

"Nah." His voice is husky.

"You are! Hahahaha. Why are you crying- hey! Look at me!" I hit his shoulder twice. "Come on Cauli! Face me!"

He aroused and face me, just like what I said.

"Look..." I stared at his wet eyes. "It really hurts thinking about it. I don't want to hurt you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Aish! Ruby and I will be working."


"Aish!" I was caught off guard when he stole a kiss. "Deny it or not, I know you'll be hurt. And thinking about you, being hurt, fucking hurts too."

My tears fell flawlessly.

"Thank you." He wiped out the tears using his thumb. "Thank you for giving importance about my feelings. Yeah, you're right."

"You can handle the business anyway." He stated.

"You know I'm not good in it." I objected. He just smiled.

"I will teach you, wife." I slapped his shoulder weakly.

"Stop calling me "wife". I ain't your wife."

Your ass, Gorgina. Deny it or not, you love being called "wife".

"You don't want? Who do you want to be called "wife" by me? Ruby?" He raised his left eyebrow.

"If you want." I stood up. But before I could storm out, he held my wrist and pulled me down.

"Why don't we marry, now?" He gave me a playful looks, wiggling his brows. He bit his lower lip, obviously seducing me.

I could feel my cheeks burning.

Cauli's POV

"What do you think?" I smiled.

The only way to reject the proposal is marrying her. I could gain benefits from it. Besides of Gorgina won't be hurt, I will also have her forever. By that, we can be independent and build our own family.

"I don't think you have the good idea."

Does she mean... she doesn't want to marry me or what?

"I don't want to settle down unsure things, Cauli. Though we know we love each other, and wanted to have our own family, do we have to rush it?"

She has a point. Maybe... we should think better plans.

"It's okay, Cauli." She held my hands and smiled at me. "For business' sake, be it."

I faked a smile.

No. If she thinks it's just that easy, she thought it wrong. It hurts seeing her hurt too. The pain slowly killing.


"Shshs. As long as I know you love me, Ruby won't matter."

I gave her pitiful looks. My heart is colliding. I know she'll be hurt with this. And I don't like it. I cant' stand watching her bleeding.


"Shshs. It's really okay."


"We better rest now, my love. Tomorrow is the beginning of our battle. I won't be worried. If loving you is a battle between life and death, you are my weapon. You are my soldier, my shield and my hope." She smiled and stood up then whirled around and walked away.

"Goodnight, my love." I whispered as she disappeared out of sight.

I am so flustered. I know what Ruby can do. She'll do everything to get what she wants. And I'm afraid that she'll hurt Eme. If that so, I won't think twice to kill her.

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