Chapter Two

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Gorgina's POV

I'm afraid of her plan. Should I take it? What if I won't? What would be the consequence?

"W-What is it, Betina?" I asked in between stuttering and sweating.

She bended her body towards me. Her hands rested on her knees. Our face was just few inches away. The playful smiles on her lips were still showing up.

"Would you mind to give this to Cauli?" She handed me an envelope.

"I-I'm sorry but... who's Cauli?" My brows furrowed as the questions were burned behind my mind.

She stood up straight and laughed.

"You don't know Cauli? He's the son of the owner of this university. Tsk. What a dumb!" She rolled her eyes and faced her back to me.

"I'm sorry." I looked down and stared the envelope for a moment.

"If you can give that to him and be right back here before twelve, I will stop hurting you. I promise, I will stay out of your life. But..." she slowly faced me. "But if you failed to do it, expect the unexpected." Then a smirk was drawn on her face.

I gulped my own saliva twice. Was she serious? Tss. What a question? Of course! When was the time she's just playing around?

"O-okay." I checked my wristwatch and found out it was still ten fourty.

"Good to hear that." She said before she walked out.

I let a heavy sigh out.

Who's Cauli? I don't know him and I haven't met this guy.

What if I'll fail her? What hell would she bring to my life?

I shook my head side by side. I should not think negative. I should stay positive. I'll do this not for her, but for me. I've been wanting her to stay out of my life. She should stop ruining my life.

It's already eleven in the morning. I still have one hour to succeed this.

I went out in my room to breathe some fresh air. I can do this!

Suddenly, group of girls started to scream, shout and go crazy.


"Oh my god! Is that Cauli?"

"Oh my Cauli! Why so hot babe?"

"Jeezz! Cauli is on his way to his room!"

What the heck is happening here? Who the hell is Cauli?

Far away, a strange man was walking towards my direction.

He walked flawlessly. He's with the group and a... girl. The way he moved his adam's apple was perfect. Everytime he talks or smiles, his dimples show up. He's white man, with smokin' hot body, red kissable lips and-

"Are you done fantasizing my boyfriend?" An unfamiliar voice broke down my fantasy. She raised her right eyebrow while looking at me from head to toe.

She's hot too. She has long straight black hair. She wore matte red lipstick, perfect for her white skin and suits. She's wearing top off shoulder, skinny jeans and high heels. Authority and class shouted out.

"Hey pathetic girl! I'm talking to you!" She yeld at me.

"Stop it Ruby." A cold voice made me shiver. "Who are you?" He asked with forehead crease.

"Oh come on, Cauli! You shouldn't talk to anyone specially with this old girl. She looked like a mess with her pale colored dress." She rolled her eyes in disgust and crossed her arms.

"I said stop! I'm not talking to you." His voice suddenly raised. The lady's eyes widened and her lips formed O in shock. Then the guy faced me again.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Don't you know you're blocking my way? Don't you know no one dares to do it?" His looks become intimidating, plus his authorative and cold voice.

"A-are you Cauli?" I aked in between my stuttering words. My hands started to become wet.

"Don't you know him?-" Ruby butted in but immediately shut her mouth when the guy in front of me glared at her.

"Yes. And what do you want from me?"

A moment of silence reigned the environment. I look at him directly, for a minute, before realizing what I need to do.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-I just want to hand this envelope to you." I showed up the envelope from Betina.

He reached for the envelope and opened it immediately. He then opened the letter and started to read the message.

His forehead creased.

What's with the letter?

I gulped my own saliva for nth times in nervousness. I hope Betina didn't write something offensive or crazy to him! I'm doomed!

"Give it to me!" Ruby grabbed the letter with her frustrated face.

"Hi! I'm Gorgina Tanfield." she read aloud the message. My eyes widened. What the? Why's my name there? "I came from squater area. I'm poor. I'm just one of the scholars here in your university. I'm pathetic, ridiculous with my looks, numb, careless and idiot nerd girl. Everyone knows that except you so, I decided to write a letter for you. I just want to inform you.-" tears streamed down like a river. I can't take this pain anymore!

I ran as fast as I could. I left them. I don't know where should I go. It feels like I don't belong here. I don't deserve to be here.

I just want to be alone. To be far from everyone. I know I'm just poor and a mess. But, is it enough reason to ruin my life? Does it need to be announced in public? Why? Why are they doing this to me? What did I do wrong? I did nothing but to be good to them. This is too much! I can't take this anymore!

I stopped from running and started to walk towards the big tree. I'm so exhausted, feeling down and worthless. Who would treat me fairly? No one, right?!

I can't stop from crying. There's something in my throat that adds the pain I'm feeling inside my heart.

I just cried and cried 'till my heartaches end. I leaned on the big tree. Cold breeze caressed my wet face. I heaved a sigh before closing my eyes.

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