Chapter One

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Streets are busy. Vehicles are noisy. Smokes are all over the place. Heavy traffic is on again! And I'm here, stuck in the middle of my way to university.

What time would this heavy traffic be gone? It's almost seven in the morning. My class will start at eight o'clock sharp! I shouldn't be late. My professor, Mr. Mercalesia, is very strict. He doesn't tolerate late comers!

Slowly, the bus is moving but the time does not! The sun is almost overhead. What should I do in order to escape from this? I couldn't just walk to reach my destination. It's few kilometers away!

Oh no!

I found out that there was an accident, one kilometer ahead. This is horrible!

It's already seven fifty-five. I only have five minutes more.

I ran as fast as I could to my room. Mr. Mercalesia isn't around.

Where on this earth he could be? This is the first time that he's not around. He should be here at seven thirty. But... what happened to him?

"Hey scholar girl! Don't you have any plan to enter?" I heard a critic voice. I glanced at her. She raised her left eyebrow towards me and crossed her arms.

She's Betina Oxford. One of the richest students here in Hamlet University.

Because we can't afford to have my high school, I decided to have exams for scholarship. Fortunately, I passed it all. I decided to choose HU because it's my dream. Only rich kid can afford to study here. I'm not feeling rich. I just love here because it is said to be the best and most classy university of all time. It has complete intruments, equipments, tools and many more here. It's all free, that's why the tuition costs lifetime.

"Hey pathetic girl! Are you listening?" She shouted in frustration.

I used to be called pathetic, ridiculous, poor, nerd, ugly or what so ever harsh words. I think they are right. I'm poor. I don't belong here. I should be thrown to bermuda triangle.

"Y-yeah." I stammered at looked away.

My knees started to tremble. I gulped three times when I found out that she's walking towards me.



I caressed my cheeks. Surely it's burning red right now. It's kinda painful. Feels like it has its own heart. I can feel its heartbeat.

"Next time, don't be rude. If I'm talking to you, you should pay attention." She gave me her death glare before storming out.

"Ouch." I whispered as I walked towards my armchair.

I'm used to it. Her slaps? Yeah. She's not the only one who can do it to me. Almost everyone, almost everyday.

Our professor is not around. I'm all alone in the room. I'm used to it too. I don't have friends. Aside of being poor, I don't trust people. Trusted people are the most dangerous friends you could ever have. You will give your whole trust to them, but they'll just break it. They will take you for granted. They will left you broken once they'll get what they want from you.

Betina rudely opened the door and got in. She walked with pride towards me.

"Hey scholar girl!" Her voice sounded playful as always.

I hesitated to look at her eyes. She smirked.

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Let's go Cauli! Come on!" Ruby shouted who was outside our mansion. I shook my head and smiled a bit. The brat girl of Mercalesia.

I got my bag with me and went outside the mansion. And when I saw her, she waved at me, wearing her genuine smiles.

I always love that smile. No pretention, priceless as always.

"Cauli!" She shrieked, while waving her hands in the air, and ran towards me to give me a hug. I hugged her back and chuckled in her ears.

I losen up to face her. As always, she's like a little girl with a granted little wish.

"Look at you," she amazingly scanned my whole body. "... you're always mesmerizing!" Then she laughed softly. I just grinned and shook my head again.

"We better go now." I suggested between my smiles.

"Okay! If that's what you want." She winked at me. I shook my head again in disbelief.

Ruby and I are childhood sweethearts. I know she loves me dearly. I love her too. But only being my sister. Someone already caught my heart. But the problem is, I don't know where she is now. Hope to see her soon. My heart doesn't beat to anyone. Only for her. And since she took my heart away, I think I'm heartless... which is crazy.

I opened the passenger's door and let her in. In exchange, she gave me her melting smiles. I just smiled bluntly then closed the door for her once again. I spun around and opened my own door and got inside then shut it again. After, I started the engine and drove away.

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