"Good job Sehunnie." Suho said. "We knew you could lift his spirits." Xiumin said happily. "You guys sent him to comfort me?!" I said, starting to feel upset. "No. The maknae just came here all by himself because he felt that you needed a little comforting." Kris said, making me smile.

"Gomawo Sehun." I smiled at the maknae, which shows me a warm smile as well. I pat his head, and he frets about his hair. "Yah hyung! I just styled my hair!" He said, angry. We all laughed, and then the doors opened.

"Are you guys relatives or guardians of Park Sarang?" A doctor asks us as we hurry to his side. "Yes, we're her guardians." Suho says. "How was the operation doctor?" I asked quickly as the members said, "Bwo?!"

I brushed them with my hand, and waited for the doctor to continue. "The operation was a success. She's in stable condition, but she needs plenty of rest and care until she can fully heal, which will take about 1-2 weeks. Oh, and you may all see her now" The doctor finishes with a smile, and checks his clipboard. "Thank you, thank you doctor!" I said, followed by choruses of thank you's from everyone.

We quickly run to her room, anticipating for her awakening. But instead, I find her in the same exact position just a few hours ago. My heart fell- I wanted to see her so badly. Please Sarang-ah. Please wake up.

And like a miracle, Sarang started tossing in her sleep. She groaned and slowly sat up, her hand touching her head. "Aish my head hurts..." She grumbled, rubbing her forehead. "Sarang-ah!" We all chorused, shocking her. "Hey guys. How long was I out?" She asked, stretching. "Y-you didn't pass out, you just finished your operation." Sehun said.

"Sarang-ah, you shouldn't sit up, you'll-" I started, interrupted by a groan. "Ahh my stomach hurts!" Sarang said, her hand clutching her stomach tightly. "-Feel pain." I finished as Lay quickly went forward to heal her injured stomach.

I looked at her with sadness, not being able to help her at all. The least I could do is stay next to her and wish that she'd feel better soon. "Sarang-ah! You don't know how much we worried about you!" Tao said, followed by many more comments. "Why'd you help us? You would've gotten hurt." Kai said, upset.

"Why didn't you ask is for help? We would've been there for you- with you!" Xiumin said. Sarang sighed, and looked sadly at us. "I'm sorry guys, I really am. It's just that I was there when everything happened- and I forgot that she was behind me." Sarang said. "But it's not entirely your fault Sarang-ah. We're at fault too." Sehun says, frowning.

"No! No! It's not all your fault. I was careless and in a panick.... I didn't know what to do once I broke that pendant....." Sarang said, closing her eyes. "But thank god you're alive and here with us!" Chen said, trying to lift the mood up.

"We missed you so much- we thought you would've....." Suho started before stopping himself, almost crying. "But I'm fine you guys. It's just a stab, not that I like it or anything. And I'm not dead or anything either. So stop worrying!" She said.

She looked at our sullen faces and her face suddenly changed. "I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to make you guys all worried. I was just trying to do the right thing." Sarang said as anger built up in me.


"Luhan....." She name my name softly, her eyes starting to brim with tears. "I WAS SO WORRIED! I..... Didn't know if you would wake up again...." I said, my voice breaking and my tears falling. "I saw you- just lying there..... I felt so helpless....." I cried.

"Luhan...." She whispered. "I'm sorry. I can't say anything else but that I'm sorry. I was just..... Trying to solve everything. I didn't want to see everyone die, the people that I didn't even know..... How would their parents react when they're told that their son or daughter died because of some princess wanting revenge?! Or how they were fighting for their life, and that we were all trying to survive.... All those innocent people..... And I didn't even know them!" She said loudly, her tears flowing down her face.

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