Me: was it really...

I mumbled to myself as he sat down in the seat in front of me. I totally forgot it was Jacob who introduced me to this place when we were kids.

Jacob: so what brought you here?

He said, knowing that I come here when there's something on my mind or I need to think.

Me: mind ya business..

I said as the waitress put my food in front of me.

Jacob: what's wrong? Let me help you.

I looked up at him. He looked sincere.

Me: chresanto, but no need to worry. It's taken care of.

I took a sip of my drink and looked back up at him. He tilted his head to the side like he was trying to read me.

Jacob: if it's taken care of... then why are you here? It must be really bothering you. You love him don't you.

I stayed quiet. I hate that he knows me so well. He smirked to himself.

Jacob: you don't have to say anything, cause I know you well.

I continued to pick at my food, slowly losing my appetite.

Jacob: I can treat you better than he can, just saying.

I was flabbergasted because Chresanto was someone he called his brother. It just showed me how fake he was and I was immediately turned off.

Me: if you say so.

I heavily sighed as I took out my wallet and placed a $20 on the table. I immediately got up and walked out the doors as he followed.

Jacob: did I say something wrong?

Me: no. You said just the right thing.

I said as I continued to walk to my car.

Jacob: hey, talk to me please.

I stopped right in front of my car and turned to face him.

Me: I really don't want to talk about anything, absolutely anything right now. Sorry.

And with that being said, I placed my hand on the handle of my car door.

Jacob: you can't always run away from your problems, you know. You have to face them to truly overcome them. Whatever it is, talking about it will always make it better. Especially talking about it with the person who made you this way.

He said referring to Chresanto. I looked up at him.

Me: wow, you're smarter than I thought.

I said walking closer to him and sat on the hood of my car. It was about 10PM, I looked up at the stars. They seemed more beautiful tonight, for some odd reason. I looked back at Jacob. His eyes were full of meaning, something I thought I would never see.

Jacob: I'm not just a bubble head.

He chuckled to himself, and so did I.

Jacob: I know I act nonchalant around you, it's a facade, so people won't see the real me. Just thought I let you know.

Me: why would you let me know?

I said lightly, still trying to figure him out.

Jacob: I feel... tranquil when I'm with you. I feel like I can trust you. You keep me sane.

He said looking up at the sky, then back at me. Once again, seeing meaning in his eyes. I looked down and fiddled with my hands.

Jacob: you do that a lot.

He exclaimed, lightly laughing to himself.

Me: do what?

Jacob: play with your hands. You do it when you're nervous.

I quickly stopped. It kinda bothered me that he knew how to read me, but it was also quite nice to have someone who knows you in such a way. He grabbed my left hand and intertwined it with his.

Jacob: say something...

He said, trailing off his words and looking at our hands. He tilted his head to the side.

Me: what do you mean?

Jacob: tell me how you feel.

I looked up at him and he made eye contact with me.

Me: I feel... vulnerable.

I exclaimed. I looked down at his lips. The street lights came on and less and less people were walking on the sidewalks. Soon enough, nobody was in sight.

Jacob: have I ever professed my feelings for you?

He continued to play with my hands. I stayed silent, I was trying to comprehend what this all meant.

Jacob: I am deeply in love with you.

And with that, our hands still intertwined, he leaned in and gently kissed me.

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