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Sage Beaumont pushed her back onto her bed and kissed her neck. 

"Don't leave any marks." she pulled up and looked into the brown eyes belonging to Allison Argent.

"I'm some amateur." the blonde girl was offended and removed the t-shirt Allison was in and kissed between her breast.

"I've never done it with a girl before."

"Well sit back and enjoy the ride." Sage said. She moved lower removing Allison's jeans, "how was France?" she was attempting to make the brunette more comfortable.

"It was a nice break. Lydia is supposed to pick me up tonight so we don't have an unlimited amount of time." Sage took that as her cue to speed up and removed the boy shorts Allison wore. She kissed her inner thigh before popping her head up.

"Let's be clear. There is no feelings behind this."

"Yeah. None whatsoever."

"Good." Sage sat on her bed watching Allison get dressed quickly and looking around the room, "what are you missing?"

"My left shoe."

"Under the arm chair." she said pointing to the blue chair that sat in the corner of her room. She looked at the brunette, "if you want we could do this again sometime."

"Yeah. That sounds great. I gotta get home. Lydia is texting me like crazy."

"You're fine. I should be getting back to Stiles' house. Noah doesn't really want me here alone much."

"Who is Noah?" Allison asked grabbing her purse watching Sage's movements as she got dressed.

"Stiles' dad? The Sheriff of our town?"

"I never knew his first name was Noah."

"Oh. Well. Now you do." Sage put on her jean jacket covered in patches and looked at Allison, "come on." she pulled on the brunettes arm and they left her house. Standing in the driveway, across the street was the house she had been staying in. Stiles Stilinski's blue jeep sat in the driveway and she looked over at Allison who was about to get in her car.

"See you at school tomorrow."

"Cool. See you then." Allison surprised Sage by kissing her before getting into her car, starting it and leaving the driveway. She looked over at the Stilinski house and walked over to it. She didn't knock and just walked into the house. She went up the stairs and went into Stiles' room.

"So who was the girl?"

"No one important."

"How do you get more girls than me?"

"I'm skilled."

"Scott is gonna be pissed."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Besides little wolf boy can kiss my ass."

"I saw Allison's car in your driveway." Sage only shrugged and left Stiles' room going into her own. She got on her computer and logged into her League of Legends account before logging into Skype and getting on a three-way call with her two other best friends Davis and Nathaniel. 

"What took you so long. You said seven and it's eight." Davis complained. They picked out their characters they always play with and waited for the game to start.

 "I was busy." Sage said pulling her hair up into a ponytail and looking at the computer screen. 

"With?" Nathaniel's strong voice boomed from the computer and Sage cursed and started searching her desk drawers for her gaming headset.

"She was with Allison." Stiles said coming into the room, handing her the headset she was looking for.

"McCall is gonna be pissed. I can't wait to see his face when he finds out. It'll be hilarious." Davis' laugh came from the other side.

"Well if it matters I had a hookup tonight too waiting for your slow ass to bring Allison to climax. He was terrible at sucking my dick so I sent him home."

"I'm leaving. Goodbye. I'm going to Scott's." Stiles said.

"If you tell him, I'll kick your ass and punch him in the face again." Stiles looked at Sage before leaving her doorway.

"Stiles is so hot. Like he should've grown his hair out years ago."

"Shut up, Davis and go to your lane."

Rebound: Allison Argent✓Where stories live. Discover now