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Allison didn't tell Lydia about her and Sage. She was afraid the strawberry blonde wouldn't understand her desire to experiment. But she was dying to talk to someone about it, because she was very confused. Sage made her feel something for the first time in a long time, but she knew that the girl she met on her first day at Beacon Hills wasn't prone to opening up to people. She'd known her for a year now and knew nothing about her except that she was staying with the Stilinski's for some unknown reason, that her two best friends apart from Stiles are Davis Michaels who was very gay and Nathaniel Boyd who was probably more unpopular than his brother Vernon because he was a dick.

"Where were you at that I got to your house before you?" Lydia asked snapping Allison out of her thoughts.


"I asked where you were tonight."

"Uh. I went to-uh. Can you maybe not ask that?"

"Were you with someone or something?"

"No of course not. I went to see my mom."

"Oh. Sorry."

"What do you think about Sage?"

"Sage Beaumont?" Allison bit at her finger and looked over at Lydia and nodded, "uh, she's closed off. Her and Scott hate each other for some idiotic reason like fighting over being Stiles' best friend. She's nice enough. Why do you ask?"

"I talked to her a lot while I was in France. She said she knew what it was like to lose someone and was actually a really great listener. Didn't talk much. But still."

"Yeah, she lost her mom like two years ago I think."

"Wait what? She never told me that."

"She doesn't talk about it at all." Lydia said, "I only know because Davis was talking to Danny about it. Danny told-- and he told me. But enough with the depressing. I have two guys who wanna hang out with us."

"I don't feel like going on a date. Especially not a double date." Allison said.

"It is not a double date. It is a group thing."

"Do they know it's a group thing? 'Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there."

"You were in France and didn't do any dating? For four months! And having Sage hit on you over the phone doesn't count."

"She didn't hit on me over the phone. Did you? I mean after-"

"Do not say his name."

"Is he okay? I mean, did everything work out?"

"The doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive. Everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the Werewolf 101. Like how not to randomly kill people during the full moon."

"So then you've talked to him?"

"Uh...not since he left for London."

"You mean since his dad moved him to London."

"Whatever. He left. And seriously? An American Werewolf in London? Like that's not going to be a disaster."

"So you're-you're totally over him?"

"Would I be going on a double date if I wasn't?" Allison laughed and felt her phone vibrate. She had a snapchat from Sage, "yes. It's a double date. It's not an orgy." Allison laughed from the snapchat, but played it off like she was laughing at Lydia, "you'll live."

"Are you fucking kidding me? This dude is in mid with me. I'm gonna cuss him out." Sage said glaring at her computer screen. Two hours have passed and according to Stiles, Scott was getting a tattoo which Stiles hated and apparently it healed. This caused Sage to laugh so obnoxiously that Nathaniel had left the Skype call before begging to be let back in. She cheered loudly when she killed another opponent and jumped when she saw a shadow, "holy crap, Noah! I was not expecting you to be home."

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