Vmin (request)

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This was requested by @PirateJunHao I hope you like it ^.^

Taehyung smiled as he could see the pastel pick haired boy on the other side of the rode. The sun went through the window of the boy's flower shop and hit his face beautifully. Taehyung worked in a cafe and everyday he looked at the boy on the other side of the rode. The boy smiled to a customer who was buying some flowers and it made butterflies in Taehyung's stomach rise. He could look at him all day but unfortunately he had to work. He went down to clean a table but quickly returned so he could see the boy. He had often wondered how a boy so charming could exist but there he was. It had been nearly a year since Taehyung started to work in the cafe and saw the boy for the first time. Since then he had looked forward to go to work everyday just to see him. He knew he would soon close the shop for the day so he took one last look at him before he went to the back to work. A hour later he was allowed to go home. He was exhausted and went straight to bed. He didn't even change clothes, he just fell asleep dreaming about the boy.
The next morning Taehyung woke up with a smile on his lips and a mission for the day. In his dream, Taehyung had walked over to the boy and asked him out so he had decided to do exactly that. He got dressed and ate some breakfast. His shift started at two and would end at six so he would go earlier so he could ask the boy out before his shift started. At half two Taehyung was on his way with a heart that was beating way too fast. His palms were sweating madly and he couldn't make the butterflies in his stomach come down. As he walked in he tried to keep his head up high but when he saw the boy smile his knees got weak and he turned a direction away from him. He started to look at some flowers, he couldn't care less about. Taehyung peaked up to see the boy with a customer. The boy fitted so perfectly among the flowers with his pastel pink hair that suited him better than it should. Taehyung couldn't get his eyes away from him, it was special sight he hadn't seen before. When the customer left the boy turned towards Taehyung.

"Can I help you?" The boy asked so softly it was like he didn't want to scare the flowers. Taehyung could feel his mouth get dry.

"I'll take these." Taehyung said and grabbed some random flowers. He went up to pay for it.

"They are also very beautiful." The boy said. "Whoever's going to get them must be someone special." Taehyung didn't know what to say so he nodded and smiled. The boy said the price and Taehyung payed for the flowers.

"Here you go. Have a good day." The boy said. It was now or never, Taehyung didn't come this far without asking him out. He cleared his throat as he took the flowers.

"Actually can I ask you a question?" Taehyung said. The boy looked with curious eyes and nodded. "Um I was wondering if you would like to go out? Like on a date with me." The boy looked slightly taken aback but certainly didn't look like he hated it.

"I normally don't go out with customers but..sure why not." The boy said and smiled. Taehyung smiled too not trusting his own ears.

"Woaw okay. Um what about tonight?" Taehyung asked visibly excited.

"Sounds good." The boy nodded.

"I work at the cafe over there, my shift ends at six. What about you come over there and I'll take you out to eat?" Taehyung asked. He was trying so hard not to look too excited but if he could see his face he would know he failed horribly.

"Yeah that sounds fine." The boy said. "But could I maybe get your name?"

"Oh of course. I'm Taehyung."

"I'm Jimin." The boy said.

"That's a beautiful name." Taehyung said. The boy smiled again and Taehyung knew he would never get tired of seeing that. "I should get going. See you at six."

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