Taejin (sweet)

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Jin was sitting on a cafe with his two rich and snobby friends who he was only with because he had to. It was just how it worked he was friends with the the rich kids because his parents were rich and the poor kids were with the poor kids because their parents were poor. Jin hated it. He was digusted by the life style he was forced to live everyday. Problems were simply not something they had in their families. It always had to be perfect. His friends laughed about some snobby joke that surely was offensive to the poor. When they waiter came Jin didn't look up from his menu but just ordered an ice tea. A little while later it came but in the process of giving it to Jin the waiter dropped it on him. He had lost balance. Jin looked up, he wasn't mad it could have happend to anyone. The waiter who was an attractive boy looked scared and he knew why. The rich was rarely nice to the poor. Jin didn't say anything but looked at the boy captivated by his beauty.

"I'm so sorry sir." He said while drying it up, his voice was shaking.

"No it's okay." Jin said. It got the waiters attention. The waiter looked as captivated by Jin as he was with him.

"Hurry up scum! Get a new one." One of Jin's friends said making Jin roll his eyes. The waiter bowed and left to get a new.

"Would it kill you to be nice?" Jin asked harsh.

"Why should I?"

"I don't know maybe because he's nice to you and he has feelings." Jin said strictly. His friend didn't say anything but the other looked guilty for some reason Jin couldn't figure out. The waiter came back.


"Thank you." Jin said and smiled. The waiter blushed and bowed. A hour later they were done. They walked outside in the cold.

"Wait I forgot my wallet." Jin said and ran back inside. He found the waiter and walked over to him.

"I'm sorry for what my friend said to you." Jin said. The waiter didn't know what to do.

"That's okay I've been called worse." The boy simply said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. What's your name?" Jin asked. He clearly didn't get asked that a lot.

"Taehyung." The boy answered.

"Mine's Jin. Are you working tomorrow?" Jin asked.


"I'll see you tomorrow then." Jin said and winked. He hurried out leaving Taehyung astonished.
The following weeks Jin came everyday just to see Taehyung. They started to meet up after Taehyung was done with work. Unfortunately they had to keep it a secret from other people as they could be in big danger.
Jin started to sneak out to Taehyung's apartment. Soon their friendship started to be more than that and they found themselves hold hands, hug and at last started to kiss. It was a late night when Jin asked Taehyung to be his boyfriend.
They laid in bed in Taehyung's apartment.

"You know what I thought the first time I saw you?" Taehyung asked.

"No." They were holding hands looking up in the celling. It was a crappy apartment but it was what he could afford being poor. Jin had offered to give him money but Taehyung refused.

"I thought you looked like a prince." Taehyung said making Jin smile.

"Really? I like that." Jin smiled. "Prince Jin with his boyfriend Prince Taehyung." Jin said, picturing another word where they could walk on the streets holding hands. Jin suddenly got a huge urge to protect Taehyung from everything bad and he pulled him closer, hugging him tightly.

"I don't ever want to lose you." Jin said. He had never known a love like this. Taehyung nuzzled his head in Jin's chest.

"I never want to lose you either." Taehyung said. Jin decided to say something he had never said before.

"I love you." Jin said his heart beating fast.

"I love you too." Taehyung said not even hesitating. Jin smiled and put a finger under Taehyung's chin and lifted it up. He connected their lips in a sweet kiss. They fell asleep only to be woken up by Jin's alarm telling him he had to go home. He sighed deeply and kissed Taehyung saying goodbye. He had to walk a little to get to his car. He couldn't shake the feeling of being followed as he walked. He kept looking back but nothing was there. First when he came home the feeling stopped.
The next day Jin went to the cafe. When Taehyung's shift was soon over he slid the key to his apartment to Jin and Jin left. He walked to Taehyung's apartment and let himself in. A little later Taehyung came. They kissed passionate when they saw each other. They walked to the worn out bed and sat down.

"How was your day?" Jin asked holding Taehyung's hand.

"Long as always. I hate not being able to kiss you." Taehyung said and perked his cheek.

"Me too." Jin said. They laid down Taehyung lying on Jin. They almost drifted to sleep when someone barged into his apartment. They both got up to see at five men who was wearing mask. They grabbed Taehyung and Jin yelled trying to get a grib on him but some of the others held him back. He got one arm free and swung his fist hitting one of them in his face. The figure growled loudly as Jin tried to get to the fighting Taehyung. One of them hit Taehyung and Jin screamed.

"Stop! Or I'll hurt him again." The man said. Jin settled down and two of them grabbed him. Tears were streaming down both of their faces. They knew what was happening. Both of them were forced to their knees facing each other.

"How can you be so stupid Jin? You aren't allowed to be with a scum like him." One of them said. He punshed Taehyung again and blood came from his mouth.

"No! Stop! You said you'll stop!" Jin yelled.

"You've broken one of the rules!" Another said. Jin knew they weren't going to hurt him.

"For that you must pay." A third said. A forth took out a gun. Jin's face grew pale. Taehyung was almost unconscious. Blood was dripping from his mouth and tears were falling from his eyes.

"NO!" Jin screamed as he pointed it at Taehyung.
Outside on the street people could hear four gunshots and some minuts after three figures ran out of the building and into the night, two of them holding hands.

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