Jikook (sweet)

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Jungkook really liked Jimin and he had for a while now but there was one problem. Jimin was taken and it would have been okay if not because Jimins boyfriend was an ass. Jimin knew Jungkook liked him and Jungkook was pretty sure Jimin liked him too. He just didn't understand why Jimin couldn't just leave his boyfriend.
One day in school Jungkook was sitting in the cafeteria with one of his friends when Jimin and his boyfriend walked in. Jungkook rolled his eyes he couldn't stand to see them together. Jimin's boyfriend sat down on a chair and pulled Jimin down on his lap. Jungkook excused himself and walked out.
Later in school Jimin walked over to Jungkook. Even though it was a hot day Jimin was wearing long sleeves.

"Hi." Jimin said looking nervous and pulling down his sleeves.

"Won't your boyfriend get mad if he see you taking to me?" Jungkook asked.


"I don't get what you're doing with him." Jungkook said annoyed.

"Is not simpel." Jimin said.

"Not simple, just break up with him is not all that hard."

"Is complicated Jungkook." Jimin said. Someone slammed their locker down the hall and Jimin stretched his neck to see what happend. That's when Jungkook saw it.

"What is that?" Jungkook asked and pointed as his neck.

"What nothing." Jimin said and took his hand to his neck. Jungkook moved Jimin's hand and pulled down his shirt. There was a massive bruise.

"Did he do this?" Jungkook asked getting angry.

"Please Jungkook don't get mad is my fault." Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled up the sleeve where it showed more bruises.

"I'm gonna kill him." Jungkook said and walked down the hall in a fast pace while Jimin ran after him calling his name and pulling his arm. Jungkook reached Jimin's boyfriend.

"Yah! Who the fuck do you think you are?" Jungkook said and pushed him against the locker.

"Who do YOU think you are?" He spat and pushed Jungkook back.

"Don't you dare ever hurt Jimin again, got it?" Jungkook said and the boy laughed.

"He's my boyfriend last time I checked." Jungkook couldn't take it he punched the guy right in the face which resulted in the guy pushing Jungkook so he fell. The guy sat on him and started to hit. People were gathering around, and Jimin was screaming their names panicking. Jungkook got him off and started to hit him now.

"Listen here asshole. You don't ever look at Jimin again. You don't ever talk to him again. You don't ever think about him again. And you sure as hell never gonna touch him again. If you do just one of these things I won't let you off so easy." Jungkook said and got off. He stood up and dragged Jimin out of the school. Jungkook didn't live too far from the school so he dragged him home.

"I can't believe you just did that." Jimin said more to himself than Jungkook.

"He deserverd it." Jungkook said shortly and walked to the bathroom to clean his face up which had blood on it. He was about to clean it when a pair of hands grabbed his own.

"Let me do it." Jimin took the cloth out of his hands and made him sit on the toilet. He tilted his chin up.

"Why did you say is your fault?" Jungkook suddenly asked.


"When I saw the bruise, you said it was your fault." Jungkook flinched because of pain.

"Sorry. Is a depression story really you don't want to hear." Jimin said and tears formed in his eyes. Jungkook took a hand up to Jimin's hand which he had placed underneath Jungkook's chin to keep it steady.

"Tell me please." Jungkook said. Jimin took a deep breath.

"He was sweet in the beginning he really was but I don't know something changed. Suddenly he started to drink a lot more than he should and he told me I wasn't allowed to be with anyone else. I wanted to leave him so bad but I didn't dare. Yesterday when he came home he wanted to have sex I-I didn't so I refused. He got mad at me and I was so scared when I tried to walk away I fell right into the wall. He helped me up and he was holding my arms so hard a bruise started to form. I swear Jungkook he didn't hit me or anything, it wasn't like that. I guess he saw how scared I was because he let go and left." Jimin said with tears rushing down his face. Jungkook pulled him down on his lap.

"You don't ever have to talk to him again. Okay? It must have been scary for you but I'll protect you now." Jungkook whispered and rocked from side to side.

"You don't have to." Jimin said, the crying almost stopped.

"In my mind is not even a question. I like you, you know that. I want to be with you, so I'll never want you to get hurt" Jungkook said and looked into Jimin's eyes. Jimin leaned down and kissed Jungkook's lips sweetly since they were a little gash in them.

"I want to be with you too." Jimin said and smiled. They locked lips again and Jungkook didn't care it hurt. He was always gonna be there for Jimin no matter what and he knew Jimin would do the same

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