Chapter 18

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"It's freezing!" I whined to Riven. He started taking his jacket off and put it over my shoulders. "Here, this will keep you warm." and he smirked at me.

"Thanks." and I couldn't help but giggle at how sweet he was being. "So where do you want to go?" he asked looking around. "Depends." and he looked at me curious. "Depends?" He questioned. "Yup."

We started walking to the spot. We didn't plan on it, it's just a habit we have. We got there and started walking through the woods. Turning, Going left and right, ducking under stuff, jumping over stuff crawling and we were having a good time.

Normally we just keep walking but I was feeling tired and couldn't do anymore. I stopped and sat on a log that was big to hold like 3 people on it.

"You ok?" Riven looked worried. "Yeah, I'm fine." but I didn't feel fine. I felt like I wasn't myself. What was wrong with me? Lately I have been feeling sick and not able to do anything.

Maybe it's just from the journey that we have taken so far. "Well you don't look okay." Riven snapped at me. "I said I'm fine!" and so did i.

I felt a little better so we started on out way again. Riv kept saying that we should head back but I didn't want to deal with my mom.

We both got tired so we decided to just head back after 30 minuets in the walk. Our conversations mostly based on the date I had with Kellin and how school was.

We got to our main spot and noticed something has changed. The fence wasn't there anymore. Riven looked at me mad and worried. Until his face changed staring at our bench. I met to where he was looking and then I realized.

We weren't alone.

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