Chapter 8

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As I got home from school I felt really tired. Everything was just exhausting today. But, before I was able to go up to my room I heard a knock on my door.

I could tell who it was because we always have these secret knock patterns. It was Riven! Why is he here? I was wondering to myself.

I opened the door to see a happy smiling Riven. "Umm, hi?" I gave him a weird look. "Sky!" he was acting really happy about something.

i moved so he could walk in. "Ok I need you to do this project with me!" he looked like a kid in a candy store. "And why are you happy about a project?" I asked him. "Guess what it's on!" Ok someone get this weirdo out of my house, I smiled at my thoughts. i looked at him as he was still staring at me for an answer. "What?!"

"Your teacher gave you a project about vampires?!" Alright, Riven is in love with vampires and all.. He even wants to be one. haha. "Yes!" he shouted but it sort of squeaked. "Ok then why do you want me to help you?" "I want you to help because I want you to." He said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Kay so what's first?" I asked as he handed me the project info. He had to write a story that is made up about them..

"A made up story?" I hate whenever peasants do this. The thing is, vampires here, ARE REAL. But they act like normal people. Go to school, eat dinner, have human friends, etc.

Mostly humans can't tell if they are until at night if they show themselves to them. I have met one before but no, I haven't got bit or anything.

"Where's your laptop?" Riven looked under my bed to check. "Riven! Don't look under there!" I moved him away.

"Why can't I look under your bed?" he gave me a smirk. Ahhh! That smirk <3

"I just don't want you to." I winked at him. "Oh, so if I looked under there..

You don't have anything to hide besides that you don't want me to search under there?" he kept his smirk on his face and I knew what he was doing.

He moved and laid on the ground so I couldn't move him. "Riven!" I shouted and got on top of his back and tried covering his eyes. ...Just saying, never try and cover a guys eyes who works out at the gym every 4 day of the week because if he wants something he won't let anything stop him.

"Ew! You licked me?!" I started dying laughing while wiping it on his shirt. "Riven please stop." I whined seeing if that would stop him. Obviously it did-nt

"Oh, is this a journal I see?" He said smiling like an idiot. "Give it!" I yelled at him playfully but he stood up before I could get it.

"Riven seriously I need it back! NOW!" I was getting aggravated at him. "What if I say no?" he gave me a wink and started opening it up.

"Stop!" I tried getting it but he lifted it up high to where I couldn't get it. "Riven come on, stop playing games now give it back." I gave him a death glare. "No, I want to see what you're hiding from your best friend." He pouted his lip them filled the pout with a smirk.

"What about your stupid project Riv." I call him that when I don't want to say his name all the way. I don't know why I do, it's just a thing I do.

"Fine here." and he have it back. "Thank you!" I gave him a big cheesy smile and hugged him. Of course he had to tickle me. So I let go and did a 'getting tickled jig' to my room.

"Now where is your laptop for real?" he said looking around my room. "Stoops, it's in my mums room." I gave him an 'are you stupid look.'

"Go get it Sky. Please?" He gives me a puppy dog face. "Fine." I go to get it and come back and he has his short off and laying on my bed reading.

"What do you think your d-doing?" I couldn't talk because his stomach? PER-FECT. "Reading what does it look like?" he gave me a look. "Put your shirt back on." I smirked at what I was thinking in my mind. 'I'm such a perv.'

"Well I feel at home with it off. Got a problem? Deal with it." he said sticking his tongue out at me. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"So here's the laptop, the password is _123smilee." He got up and went to my desk I had and sat in the chair. "Sky come do this for me because I don't know how." I walked over there seeing what he needed. Oh my Golly.

"I told you the password." he's so cute but DUMB haha. "Yeah but you know I can't type well." Yeah he doesn't understand computers all that well. "Kay fine, then move so I can take care of it." he shook his head no and patted his lap. i have him a 'really?' look and he winked at me.

No matter how close of friends we are he's a perv just like me. But we honestly have never done anything at all. "Your lap?" I hues roomed just in case. He nodded.

"Fine!" I glared at him. Once I sat down he wrapped his arms around my waist and moved up so he could see the screen. "Don't enjoy this too much" I teased with him. "Oh I don't know." he laughed.

"The internet isn't working?" I asked Riven like he would know. "How would I know that? It's your house Sky. Remember?" as I tried to get up he pulled me back down and started ticking me. "Riv please s-stop!" I said while laughing.


Riven's phone goes off. "Oh, it's my mom." I hope he didn't have to leave. His mom loves me but she is very stricked.

Riven hung up and had to leave. "Kay well i'll see you tomorrow right?" Riven gave me a check out and bit his lip just to joke around. "just leave you perv." I said while shoving him out the door. "Ok, see you Sky!" he yelled up to my window as him mom pulled in the driveway and waved to me.

I watched him drive away and instantly felt like I needed him back. We are really good friends and I don't want to ruin it though. Sky calm down. I can do this. Just don't let your mind take over.

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