Chapter 21 (dirty)

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Riven thought it would be better if my mother told me what happened, so we all went to my house. I knew what happened I was just confused about it.

I knew she would answer all my questions also.

We get inside but my mother wasn't there. She's gone? I wonder where she went. Well, she does have work a lot. So that's most likely where she is.

I go to the fridge to get a drink but found a note hung by a Alaska magnet and it said


I boiled some eggs for you and made some toast and tea for you but if you don't want the tea I got some Starbucks in the fridge for you just waiting to be drunk. It's the green tea. But I had to go to work so I love you and will be back at 4 am."

-motherly love

I opened the fridge and grabbed my Starbucks because who can not resist THE STARBUCKS ! I seriously love my mother. A lot.

Riven came up behind me and hugged my waist and whispered in my ear. "We have 9 hours to do nothing, what to do?" and I got goose bumps. And major butterflies. "Riv, if you're talking about what I think then um, what about Jane? And since when are you like this?" I gave him a curios but half grin look. I like this Riven. Attractive even more.

"Hey Jane, Me and Sky are going to go have sex you okay with that?" Riven blurred out like it was no biggy.

"Riven?!" I shouted at him because he just asked my best friend that. Well one of them. "Sure, go ahead," She sounded perfectly fine and normal.

As she said sure Riven started dragging me upstairs. What has gotten into him? He is never the horny type.

He opened my door and as soon as I walk in Riven shuts the door turns me around and pins me against the wall. He took my hands and intertwined them as he lifted them up over my head and he leaned in to kiss me.

Our lips joined together and it was perfect. I loved the way his lips felt.

This was amazing. Wow.

As he let go of my lips with his he started to move down to my neck. Giving me a hickey he pushed off of the wall and moved me with him to the bed.

It's like he had this all planned out. Because he knew what he was doing. I sat down while we weren't breaking the kiss and I started to pull his pants down. His friend was already getting excited.

I stood up and turned him around pushing him on the bed. "You wanna play army, You lay down and I blow the hell out of you?" I said that 'sexy' line as getting on top of him putting it inside of my mouth. Once I did he moaned quietly.

I'm a virgin but.... I read my fanfics. So, I know what to do.

He was about to finish until I heard a knock on my front door. I jumped and threw Riven his pants. He looked all sweaty and just... Mmph.

We go downstairs trying to act all natural and see that it's Liam. Good thing he knocked this time instead of using his key. Ya, Liam has a key to our house just in case his family ever starts fighting again. He has problems with listening to it.

We got fully downstairs and then we realized that Liam was holding hands with a lady. (Or a girl).She was pretty and had brown hair and brown eyes. She was really tan and looked like a model of you ask me. Her body could be a Victoria Secret model's.

I gave him a look and and then looked back at her and smiled. "Um hello." I said waving. "Hi!" she smiled back and we hugged. *HUGS NOT DRUGS*

She was so beautiful. Yeah, I felt insecure around her. "Hi, I'm Dani." she smiled brightly. "Im Sky." as I tried to smile like her but failed epically.

I hope that we could get along because I think I'm going to be seeing more of her around. I like how we both have weird names. The type of names that aren't on any of the cool key chains.

Did you know that they are making the key chains have unique names now? I know.... shocker isn't it? Haha.

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