Chapter 11

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Jane went to go get us some Will Smith movies for tonight at Walmart while she had me stay here and make a lot of popcorn.

She just left so she will be out for a while. I got up from the comfy couch and went to the lovely kitchen. "Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn, where would it be?" I asked myself out loud.

I opened a cabinet by the fridge and that was the plates and bowls. I opened one right next to it and it was cups and shot glasses.. I opened one closer to the oven and that was canned foods and cereal. Where are these things!

I then seen a small cubby thing on another wall that looked longer than the fridge. I went over and opened it to see a full cabinet with a bunch of yummy junk food. "Oh. My. Macaroni." I said out loud shocked at how much there was. Chips, cookies, pop tarts, oatmeal, peeps, skittles, Hershey's, Hot cocoa mix, bread, nuts, salts, peppers, peanut butter, Nutella, EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN. Them I looked at the last shelf to find, POPCORN. Yes, she had it.

I looked to find the microwave and it was above the stove. I Opened it and more bread was in there...? I took out the bread and put in a bag of popcorn. It was done popping and I took it out but burnt my finger because it was really hot. "Fatsa" I cursed under my breath (in a different language).

I put the popcorn in a big bowl and added more salt to it. I put another thing of popcorn in the microwave and added that to the big bowl. She told me to make a lot because she was really wanting popcorn for a while. So I made an extra bag and added that to it as well.

She came back 3 minuets after I was done making the popcorn and put 3 bags of groceries down on her island table in the kitchen. "I got some extra things for tonight." I thought to myself 'she has a big cabinet full of extra foods' and then got out of my thought and answered. "Cool!" and gave a fake but still happy smile at her.

She took out a large soda 2 liter that was filled with Mountain Dew and then another filled with sprite. My favorites! Wow.

"I got the movies MIB, MIB 2, and I am legend. Are these ok?" she asked me with a concerned and curious look. "Yupp!" I'm so happy with the movies she got. "I also got others but those are my Will Smith ones. It's all they had actually." She turned her back saying that while heading to the couch.

"What were the others?" I tried looking in the bag for them but then realized she had already taken them out and had them. "Grownups 2 and Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs." And again WOOWW! "Yayyy!"

I grabbed the popcorn and brought it to her. I took the movies from the table in front of the couch and looked through which one I wanted to watch first. "Want to watch MIB first?" She nodded agreeing to my choice. I put the movie in and then turned the lights out.

We watched a good 3 movies then realized what time it was. "Its already 2:47?!" she shouted but still quiet. "Yeah." I said nonchalantly. "Instead of watching movies all night or should I say morning, why don't we get to know each other." that was a good idea but I didn't know what to say.

'Oh I'm a fallen angel and help people with their problems and I'm still trying to figure out a secret of life that I don't know'

Yeah not falling for that one. I will not tell. I will not!

"Yeah sounds like a good idea." What was I gonna say? "Ok, you first." She positioned herself Indian style facing me giving me all her attention. I followed her actions and did so the same.

"Um, well of course my name is Sky. I have 3 good friends.. well more like best friends named Liam, Tria and Riven. I like Riven but don't want to ruin our friendship. I stay with my mum, my parents are divorced. I'm an only child and I like Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, and surprisingly I'm a Directioner.." said finishing off the shocking last part.

I liked the way she listened to me. whenever I talked she looked directly at me and listened no matter what. She's a really good friend. "Wow, you're life sounds interesting!" she smiled. "Now what about you?" waiting to hear her story.

"Well my name is Jane. I dyed my hair red. I have 2 friends, one lives in Texas named Alex, and one named Lola. Now you're another so then that makes 3. I'm not popular, I live here alone. I never knew my mother and my dad doesn't even care about me." She ended quickly but not sadly.

"And just like you said, Wow." I smiled weakly at her ending. "Don't feel sad for me." she pointed at me raising an eyebrow. "Ok, I won't." giving her my promise.

"So about that Riven guy. I didn't know you liked him!" she said laughing. "I always have." I informed her. "Why don't you ask him out?" She smirked at her comment. "I told you-" trying to say something but she finished it off for me. "You don't want to ruin your friendship. Yeah I get it, but i bet him being your friend for so long that he grew something for you also." she gave me a wink.

We talked about life more until we both were feeling really tired. We ate 3 bags of popcorn, drunk 2 sodas and ate a little but of Hershey's chocolate. We both fell asleep on the couch at 5:30.

We had a lot of fun together. Considering the fact that we ate a lot. I actually got to know more and more about her. And same with me for her. I'm glad my mum went on that date. I made a really cool friend. More like a best friend.

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