Apocaylpse Explained/Book 2

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Hey guys I'm here to explain the ending and plot of this book.


Let me take a couple scenes from the first chapters to the very last ones. If you want skip the parts and just read on from the very last. It won't be in italics or bold.


I saw that the door was wide open, I reached over to close it until Gemma ran in closing the glass door behind her. "Gemma where the hell where you?" She startled me as she rushed in. "Harry are you okay!?" She rushed over to me examining my face. "I'm fine." She nodded and started rummaging through these boxes in the room, pulling out a gun.

"Gemma what are you doing?" I stepped back, "Did anyone come in here?" Her voice shaky and panicked. "No, who would come in here?" She walked to me an looked me in the face, her hands gripping my shoulders. "Don't go near the doors, just stay back. Okay?" She pulled out a couple bullets loading the gun. "Gemma you're kinda freaking me out. Where is mum and what going on?" She started to cry, "It's the Coopers, something isn't right with them. I think they're sick." She choked on her tears.

The Coopers were our next door neighbors, "What kind of sick?" A bloody figure started to pound on the door, "Gemma!" I screamed, tears started to fall. "Harry c'mere. Stay back!" The pounding got louder, and soon the glass broke through and the bloody figure ran in the house. I screamed squeezing onto Gemma. "Jimmy stay back I'm warning you!" Jimmy was our next door neighbor too. He got closer, his face scratched up and bloody, light foam coming out of his mouth. He ran towards us, and Gemma fired, shooting through his head just like I saw earlier. I started to get scared of Gemma and what ever happened to Jimmy. "You just shot our neighbor, Jimmy," my voice shaky. "Harry," she quietly breathed.

"I saw him this morning," I choked on my breathe. I was full on balling now. "Listen to me Harry, there is something bad going on. We've gotta get out of here Harry. Do you understand me?" I nodded my head, "Where's mum?" Gemma looked at me with pain filled eyes. "I'll explain everything later, but Aunt Rose is picking us up right now." She tugged at my arm pulling me to the front door. We rushed out the door running straight inside the car. "Where the hell have you guys been? Do you have any idea what's going on out there?" Aunt Rose said, her focus on the road.


I woke up in the car with shattered glass around me, I looked up to see Aunt Rose and Gemma in the front seat, still breathing. I also heard yells and heavy breathing outside the car. I looked out the window to see more of those sick people attacking an innocent 5 year old. I watched in horror as they tore her to bits, the little pink ribbon on her pig tails falling to the ground. I got up and started to shake Gemma awake. "Gem wake up! C'mon get up!" I shook her furiously. She woke up, she instantly started to kick the window. It shattered at the third kick she gave. "C'mon Harry get out."

She got out and helped me out. "What about Aunt Rose?" I looked back at her lifeless body. I gasped as tears started to form. "Harry we've got to go now!" Once she started to run she became limp, "Are you alright?" I saw a bone stick out from her shin. "Holy macaroni !" I yelled looking at her leg. "Harry I can't walk." She mumbled in pain stating the obvious. An infected person ran up to me, trying to bite my face off. I tried my best to keep him off of me. I kicked him in the stomach buying me some time to grab something and hit the infected person hardly on the head.

"Can you walk?" I asked Gemma, "Take this!" She handed me the gun she had earlier, I stared at it wide eyed. "I can't use a gun!" I gave it back. "Harry just pull the trigger and run! Run now go!" She laid on the street, bone out of her leg. "Not without you." I put her arm around me but she pushed me off. "Harry go without me!" I shook me head, "Are you crazy. No!" she pulled me into a tight hug, "Harry just go, just fucking leave." I nodded my head and started to cry. She gripped my face with her bloody fingers and looked into my eyes. "Harry you make every bullet count. Got it? And save the last one for yourself."

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