Twenty Four

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I felt cold, my head pounded and my arms felt weak. I looked seeing that I was in a large cage that reached the ceiling. It had thick black bars, I was also in a fairly small space, it was like a prison cell. I also saw someone across the room slicing up meat that smelled vile.

I sat up and saw him cut the limb of a corpse, then licking the blood off his hand. I gasped in disgust and fright. I guess he heard me and turned around, it was James.

He smirked and walked out if them room. Fearing that I might end up like one of those corpses I pounded against the thick bars of the cage. "How are you feeling?" I heard David's voice call. I looked seeing his aged face. "Super," I snickered. He slid a tray of odd looking meat under the cage door.

"You should eat, I know you're hungry. You've been out for quite some time." He smiled. I looked down at it in disgust. "What is it?"

"It's deer," he said lightly. I looked down at it, then at the corpses on the table behind him. "Deer with some human helping on the side?" I asked kicking the tray. "No, I promise." I picked up the tray and broke it in half. "You're a fucking animal." I spat.

"That's awfully quick to judgement, considering you and your friend killed how many men?" My eyes widened at the mention of Harry. "They didn't give us a choice," I said.

"And you think we have a choice? Is that it?" I scoffed, "I'm no murderer,
I am a survivor." I said scrunching my nose. "So do I." he smiled at me then pointed at the food I refused to eat then at the corpses on the table. I threw up a little in my mouth.

"So now what? You gonna chop me into tiny pieces?" I asked sternly. He chuckled, "I'd rather not. Please tell me your name." I picked up a piece of meat and threw it at his face through the holes of the cage I was in. "You're so full of shit."

"On the contrary, I've been quite honest with you. Now I think it's your turn." He said smiling, he smeared off the deer meat off his face. I just wanna cut his lips off because of that smile. "You're loyal, you have a heart. Plus you're special." He smiled. Is he flirting with me? I reached out for his hand, he squeezed it and smiled.

I smirked and turned it making a horrible cracking noise. I reached for his keys, but he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the metal cage a couple times times. I fell to the floor and reached up feeling my bloody and scratched up face from the metal.

"You stupid little girl."

I spit on his shoes. "You're making it very difficult to keep you alive. What am I supposed to tell the others now?" He said scuffing his shoes.

I stood up again. Almost tripping from the woozy feeling from all the slams to the head. "Allie," I said brushing stray hairs out of my face. "What?" he snapped looking at me.

"Tell them, that Allie, is the little girl... that broke your fucking finger."

He looked at me as if I was an animal, "How did you put it? Tiny little pieces." He laughed. "See you in the morning Allie." He smirked leaving the room. I felt the blood trickle down my face, mixing in with the salty tears leaving my eyes.


I woke up not seeing Allie anywhere. I remember her telling me about bandits, or something. I shoved the blankets off of me and sat up. I screamed a little from the pain in my stomach. "Allie?" I yelled, my voice echoed through out the empty house. I fell down from the pain. I kept thinking of Allie, and no matter the pain I stood up. "Allie?!" I called again getting no answer. I scanned around looking for my backpack. I reached for it and slid it on slowly. My body still sore.

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