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I fumbled with my gun, Allie stood there frozen. She realized what was happening and jumped in the water, I followed behind. "Allie what are you doing?" I questioned as she struggled to not drown as we reached the deep parts on the water.

"Buying us some time," she mumbled water spilling in her mouth, she pulled out a gun. There was not time to ask where she got it. I pulled out mine and started to shoot. The clickers followed us and fumbled around in the water, as if it was foreign to them.

"Infected can't swim, but they can't drown either." Allie stated shooting a couple off. There was only about fifteen more to fight off, I was about to shoot one that was getting dangerously close. I pulled the trigger but nothing came out, no ammo. It was almost like the infected knew I had nothing to defend myself with and came at me.

I tried kicking it off as it gripped my shoulders, it's yellow and chipped teeth started coming close to biting off my face.

"Allie! Need a little help here!" I yelled trying to get her attention. She swam to us and shot it in the head. Blood splattering in all directions. I felt the cold blood drip into my mouth, I quickly snapped into reality, I just got blood in my mouth. I just got fucking blood in my mouth, fuck. I started to count,










Nothing. I felt Alice's hands grip my shoulders just like the infected did, "Harry you're not infected." She assured, I nodded in disbelief. My adrenalin was pumping, the feeling of being near to death stuck to me. I tried to steady my breathing.

I felt Allie wrap her arms around my shoulders. "You're fucking alive Harold, holy shit when I saw that blood go in your mouth I thought you were gonna die." She murmured into my shoulder. I noticed there was no more clickers, no more.

"Lets get the hell out of here." I breathed out, I started to swim back to the shallow parts. Allie climbed on my back as usual, I've grown fond of it. As we-I swam, I asked her something that crossed my mind before.

"How'd you do that?" I asked Allie, she looked at me confused. "Get in the water and not being afraid," I said softly. She starred at me, her little scratched up face from previous fights that left little scars here and there making her look beautiful in this, ugly world.

"Who said I wasn't afraid?" Her voice was small. Allie was obviously mentally strong, you wouldn't expect her to talk like this. "On the outside I always look fine, but on the inside, Harry... I'm terrified." Her voice slow, I looked down at her shaky hands. "How come you weren't afraid?" She asked, lips quivered. "The only things I'm scared of is turning into an infected, and losing you." I confessed truthfully.

She looked at me with small smile. I chuckled. "Lets get the fuck out of here," she mumbled. "Where to now?"

I muttered, I looked around the dark area, I made my way to the stairs leading to the main room of the hotel.

"Ready?" I asked, she nodded as I kicked open the door. The place was empty, deserted. "They left," Allie sighed breathing out, starring at the vacant hotel. "Then lets get the fuck out of here, this place creeps me out." I walked out of the basement, I felt large arms wrap around me.

I looked to see a bandits making his hands go down my neck with a tight grip. I looked left seeing Allie get pinned down to the ground. "Get off me you fuckers!" She screamed kicking around, I watched her scream in terror as my breathe shortened.

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