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"Hey look at that!" Al called all cheerful and stuff. We were getting closer and closer to the radio tower Al told us about. "How are you holding up?" I asked Allie, her pale face seemed to gain some color.

"Business as usual, right? When I was with Al to go find some extra food I toke out a couple of infected by myself. You'd be proud." I looked into her sorrow eyes, no happiness in their at all. She sighed kicking a stone with her old shoes.

"I am proud of you," I smiled. She didn't smile, I could understand why. We walked side by side as usual, Al and Sabrina in front leading the way.

We came across this beautiful neighborhood, somewhere where I'd love to raise kids. If there wasn't an apocalypse of course.

As we got deeper into the neighborhood we came across a pact of dogs. "Aw, look doggies." Sabrina said running over to them. I stopped her before she could touch them. "You're gonna want to stay away from those. It's not like the guard dogs soldiers have, these are wild dogs." She slowly inched away from them. Allie let out a chuckle from her expression.

"What's that?" Allie pointed in the corner of a street. "Oh, that's an ice cream truck." Al said crooked smile and such. "An ice cream truck?" Allie raised a brow. I mean I know she's from the city but how can you not know what a ice cream truck is?!

"Yeah, Al told me about these. They'd sell ice cream out of a truck." Sabrina said lightly trailing her fingertips against the rusty truck. "What? No way, Harry?" I liked how she came for me from the truth, even though they were telling the truth. It showed that she trusted me.

"It's true, this thing would drive around and play real loud creepy music and kids would come out running out to buy ice cream." I said chuckling. City girls man. "You're totally fucking with me." Allie scoffed looking at the truck. "Nope, I'm serious." I laughed at her confusion on an ice cream truck.

"Man you lived in a strange place, New York City the only truck you'd find there is a hotdog truck."

I smiled and kept walking with the others. The sun wasn't shining, it was gloomy and dark. It wasn't night though, it's just dark gray clouds covered up the sun. "So how are you gonna get to the Fallen Angels?" Al asked, nosy son of a bitch.

"My old time friend was a Fallen Angel, last I heard he was near Illinois. We get there, we find him, we find the Fallen Angels. What do ya' say, you in?" I could tell by Allie's face she didn't want to travel with these crazy people. "Sounds like a good plan," he said softly. I walked up a little closer to Al and Sabrina. Al kicked a glass bottle, making a loud noise.

The growling grew loud and headed for us. "Sabrina!" Al yelled. I turned to see Sabrina being attacked by an infected. I shot it down as a couple more came out, only five more that were easily shot down. Allie helped too, I'm so proud. We ran to a house, literally climbing through it avoiding more clickers and infected coming out. Probably a hundred infected from this 'perfect' neighborhood.

We all ran through a misplaced plank in the wooden gate in the backyard and made our way to the radio tower behind the house.


"Shut the hell up," Al laughed opening a can of peaches. "Dead serious, it was Gemma's birthday and that's all she wanted to do-just rent two Harley's and drive cross country. She and and our next door neighbor Jimmy taught me how to drive one and me and Gemma just rode the whole day."

I confessed an old memory of me and Gemma. With Allie sitting next to me lightly giving me comforting smiles throughout the story that helped me not burst out in tears. Al smiled eating his peaches, I ate my beans, Allie her sliced pears, Sabrina and her beans.

"Ah man, I could die happy if I could just drive one down the block." Al laughed at himself, as if he was disappointed that he didn't do much before the infection broke out. "So how was it like?" He asked eating his can down. "It was good, real good." I answered taking a bite of Allie's pears.

"Good? Can you believe this guy?" Al gestures to Allie and Sabrina. "C'mon man give me details! Describe it." Al pleaded me. I laughed a little as Sabrina left to the other room. "You know what, you guys deserve a little privacy." Allie stood up and started to follow Sabrina. "No, no, no, Allie. This isn't just any motorcycle. Okay? You get on that bad boy, you feel that engine. Nothing like it!" Al exclaimed a little to excited.

"Oh yeah? How would you know?" Allie asked making his face go blank. "I've seen it, in my dreams." He chuckled making motorcycle sounds. "Vroom, vroom, vroooommmmm." He laughed as Allie walked away ignoring him. As Allie shut the door Al turned to me and sighed. "What's wrong mate?" I asked him still eating my beans.

"I don't think anyone from my group is gonna show up." I looked at him, eyes drained an just tired, tired of this shit. Just like everyone else. I looked out the window, the night moon barely visible from the dark clouds. "Worst part about it all, is explaining it all to Sabrina." He said pushing aside his peaches.


I walked in seeing Sabrina organizing the cans of food. "Well it's safe to say those two have officially bonded." She stayed quite stacking up the cans. "What are you doing?" I asked softly looking over at her master piece of stacked cans. "Taking stock of all the food we found today," she placed the beans in the extra section.

"I see, so how are we doing on sliced pears?" I smiled, boy do I love slice pears. "Did Al send you?" My smile faded a bit. "No. Why would Al send me?" She looked up at me, then out the window. "To make sure I'm not fucking up somehow." Welcome to my world Sabrina, "I'd say we all did pretty good back there-especially you." She looked at me as if looking through my bullshit. Which wasn't complete bull, we all did do pretty good.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her. "Peachy." I nodded, "Well, have a goodnight." I slowly walked towards the door. Her voice stopped me though, "How is it that you're never scared?" I turned looking at her, I walked closer to her, "Who says that I'm not?" Her sad eyes looked up at me.

"What are you scared of?" She challenged. I toke a second to think, "Scorpions are pretty creepy." She looked away from my shit lies. "Being by myself." I confessed, she looked back at me waiting for me to finish. "I'm scared of ending up alone."

"What about you?" I asked this time. Sabrina looked put the window, "Those creatures out there. What if the people are still inside? Like, what if they're trapped in their own body without any control? I'm scared of that happening to me." She looked down at the canned peaches again. "It's okay, we're a team now. We're gonna help each other out, and second, they might look like people, but that person is not in their anymore."

"Al says that they've moved on, that they're with their families. Like in heaven and stuff. Do you think that's true?" I looked at my feet, "I go back and forth. I mean, I'd like to believe it." I said truthfully. She crossed her eyebrows in confusion. "So you don't?" I shook my head. "Guess not."


"Me neither." I said gripping the cans.

"Oh! I Almost forgot!" Allie's words stopped me, I looked at what she was doing. She was digging through her bag, pulling out the teddy bear I left behind a while back ago. "There, if he doesn't know about it, he can't take it away."

I smiled at her, thanks weird girl. "Well, I'm pooped. I'll see you tomorrow." She walked out the room in with Harry, and Al. I picked up the teddy bear, an threw it to the ground. Fucking piece of shit. I sat down and pulled up my sleeve.

Revealing the bite of the infected that attacked me earlier. Shit.


yesterday was a Holiday update, but this is my early Happy New Years kinda present. I love you guys sooooo much 320 reads! It might not seem a lot but I'm more than thankful.

have a good one.

I'll update soon.

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