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I walked around, hearing small whistles from Allie. "Listen! I'm whistling!" I turned to her, "Oh good, something else you can annoy me with." I smiled teasing her. She scowled playfully while whistling even louder. I playfully glared at her, I walked around stepping by the remains of an old book store.

"Allie, I think I found another one of them books you've been reading," I said picking it up. The pages had a yellow hue to them, displaying that they were old. She smiled reaching over slowly for it. Her hands brushed across mine, the rough skin made my get goosebumps. I watched her as she read intently across the bio of it, eyebrows crossed. She laughed, "How ironic, a book about zombies." I gave her a confused look. "You know, since we're surrounded by zombies." She added flipping through the pages. "They're not zombies, they're infected." I corrected.

She rolled her eyes as she shoved the novel into her back pack. I looked around, seeing spray painted walls surrounding us. What happens when the food runs out? I saw written on the brick walls, last meal I had was yesterday with Allie.

We stole bread from the bandits house. Just the memory gave me shivers of being near those monsters. I kept walking, I heard Allie's humming and whistling behind me. I was about to turn and turn her to tell her to zip it but I heard a gun shot in the distance. "What was that?" Allie said, snapping her out of her small day dream and constant humming. I dunked down, hiding behind a car. "I don't know Allie, but get down."

I had her next to me behind the car, I saw a couple soldiers come out from a truck. "Where did ya' learn how to shoot?" An old western accent asked, another soldier responded. "Screw you." Luckily there was only two soldiers. I watched intently as they talked to each other. "You had an entire flock to hit but you got nothing," he laughed pointing to the birds flying away. "I'm about to hit you," the other guy warned jokingly.

"Wow, you're really upset, if you're having any trouble I'm more than willing to give you lessons." The old man laughed. The other guy simply shooed him off as carried on to doing nothing. I was about to get up and shoot them but they started to talk again. "Where the hell are those guys, they're supposed to be here?" I slowly sank down back into the floor behind the car, more soldiers, means more fighting to do.

"They're on High Way Shift, wouldn't be surprised if they caught another bunch of bandits." That's where we were yesterday. "Well there ain't nothing here, let's keep going." They both walked off leaving, I sighed in relief. "I think they left, those guys creep me out." Allie mumbled. "Wonder if the city is filled with these guys?" I asked in suspicion. "Looks like it." Allie said, I got up on the balls of my feet and helped Allie up.

"Let's move." She trailed behind as I walked around the streets. "That bridge looks pretty far," She said slowly pointing up at it. "We'll get there." I assured reaching a Quarantine Zone. It was dry land, even though Los Angeles was suspected on being the most infected place, but ever since the bombs not much has been coming through.

"Weird seeing a Quarantine Zone without any soldiers guarding it," Allie said scanning the bob wired fences and metal bars. "This is what most zones look like, this place has been abandoned for a while." I said crossing the small boarder. "Wonder what soldiers where doing here in this dump," I whispered softly. I walked carefully around broken glass, I stopped instantly as I heard bandits from a distance. "Did you hear about the local gang of bandits down in High Way Shift? All dead, since I guess there is this guy and girl are crossing through bandits land." I soon realized they were talking about us.

"We should kidnap the girl, and you know... been a while since we've had some female company. Probably make her one of us." They all laughed, vile bastards. "Nah man, the girl is vicious. That's what a hunter told me a while ago when they saw an older guy and a little girl going through bandits land. She would kill us all in our sleep." Another scoffed, "Still would've fucked her brains out, even if it meant getting killed by her." I felt Allie stiffen behind me.

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