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"Now we're talking," I smiled pointing to Niall's home from the distance. We were currently on a trail in the woods, but it was the fastest way to Niall's. "Yeah, it'll defiantly be faster if we go through here." I said climbing over a log. "Man," Allie said. "What?" I asked avoiding a trail of ants.

"Nothing it's just... I've never seen anything like this. That's all." She said referring to the wilderness, she bent down and ran strands of grass through her fingers. "You've never been to the woods?" I scoffed in disbelief, I rubbed the dirt with my boots.

"No, I was a city girl. So I never really walked through the woods," She said rubbing dirt between her fingers.

I laughed and she looked at me confused. "I remember this one time Gemma and I were playing tag and I pushed her in a pile of mud." I laughed gently.

"Who's Gemma?" Allie asked and I stopped laughing, realizing what I just said. "Uh-no one," I muttered. I started to walk again, shielding my face. "Why don't you just take me back to Tina?" She asked, thankfully changing the subject.

"If she was up to the task why'd she drop you off on me?" I remarked.

"Maybe she could be better." Allie said as she moved away some leaves sticking out from trees that were in our faces. "Allie, I don't mean to upset you but your friend's chances of survival weren't to high to begin with," I said making her face fall.

"She is a lot tougher than you think," she defended. "It doesn't matter, because I doubt I could get either one if us back into the city in one piece. I wish there was some other option," I ranted. I jumped when I saw a giant rat, Allie burst out laughing. "Harry, the boy who fights against infected everyday is afraid of a mouse?" She said whilst laughing.

I glared at her. "That was a rat," I picked up a rock and threw it into the lake in anger. "How did you do that?" She said starring at me with her big green eyes. "What do you mean?"

"The way the rock jumps in the water," I chuckled. "You mean skipping rocks?" She nodded, she picked up a rock and furiously threw it in there. I laughed as it sunk. She glared at me, she tried again, and again. And each time I would fall to the floor in laughter because of her failure.

"Whatever this is stupid!" She frustratingly threw her hands in the air. "Here," I chuckled. I wrapped an arm around her and aligned her shot, I saw her eyes sparkles as the stone skipped over the small pond of water. I smiled looking at her as she watched in amazement of the rock.

She squeezed my hand which tickled my stomach. I let go and walked up a hill, a smile still on my face. We walked towards a water tower, a bob wired gate surrounding it. After we get by the gate we are in the town. I jogged up the gate's door but a rusty lock was sealing it shut. "Well shit," I mumbled rubbing my cheek.

"Should we climb it?" Allie asked, I shook my head. "No, there is a wire on top. We got to find a way around." I said scanning the open land, almost nothing but a small shed next to the gate. I started to make my way over to it. "Whoa look!" Allie giggled playing around, "Fireflies."

She danced around them as they flew around her. She giggled as one landed on her nose and the light flickered.

I smiled, I walked back to the shed. "Sorry-first timer here," she reminded me. I didn't mind as she played around, I climbed a wooden ladder found on the side and got onto the roof of the shed.

"It's to far of a jump," I climbed off and opened the shed, a wooden plank inside found with a tea set.

"Odd combo, but it'll do." I said taking out the plank, I climbed back onto the roof and filled in the gap. I carefully walked over the plank and made my way over to the new city. "That you Niall?" I asked myself as I saw black smoke in the air from the distance.

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