Chapter 18: Nightmares

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Y/n's POV


"I'm coming for you." A voice whispered. I looked up from my laptop and searched the room to see where the voice came from.

"You will be mine." It said again, sending chills down my spine. "He's not good enough for you." The voice echoed and began to give me a minor headache.

"Unworthy for such a beauty."

"I can love you better."

"I will get you my dear."

"We shall reign over this world, be King and Queen."

"You will be my Queen."

"Hahaha, I'm coming for you!"

The voices kept getting louder, increasing my headache. I shot up from the bed I was sat on and whimpered. "Stop, please!" I cried, grabbing my head trying to contain the sudden pain.

I saw a shadow approach me and I glanced up to see who it was. My e/c eyes widened.

"M-miss mE dEa-Rr?" Springtrap said, his voice box obviously broken from the glitching.

"Not at all." I hissed. He growled and pushed me up against the wall in the room.

"HoW-w uNfourTunA-ate, I'vE mIssE-d-d yOu loAds." He leaned in and pressed his cold lips against mine.

Instead of kissing back, I kicked him where the sun don't shine, making him release me from his tight grip.

He dropped me and howled. "YoU b-bItcH!" His metal hands clincked against the ground as he struggled to stand.

I took one last look at the injured animatronic before heading towards the exit. As I was running, the room changed into a dark hallway and it seemed never ending.

My breathing increased and I picked up my pace after hearing Springtrap's insane laughter. "HAHAH-A I'M CoMiNG FoR YO-U!"

I heard metal clashing against the ground, indicating that he was running behind me. I tried increasing my speed but I somehow stopped running as if I was on a treadmill.

Quickly, I glanced back and saw his crazy smile light up in the blackness. He kept getting closer and closer while I was not getting anywhere.

Just as his hand was a millimetre away from reaching me, I dropped onto the ground.


"Holy sh*t!" I jumped up in bed and saw my hand in Goldie's.

"Are you ok love? You've been screaming in your sleep and moving around in the bed like no tomorrow." He asked, worry in his eyes. I nodded slowly and squeezed his hand.

"I had a nightmare about... about him." I sighed, laying back onto the bed and looking at the bags under Goldie's eyes.

He sighed, "Don't worry about it love, he won't hurt you as long as I'm here."

I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead and rested his head on mine.

After a few minutes of hugging I glanced over at the clock sitting on the bedside table. It was only 07:27.

I smirked and pulled Goldie onto the bed so he was laying next to me. He as quite shocked but let me snuggle up to him once he was comfortable.



"You know when we first met, what did you mean by you were going to rip the others into shreds if they didn't give you the first female night guard?"

He cleared his throat and stroked my h/c messy hair.

"Long story dear."

"I can keep up."

"So stubborn," he chuckled. "Well, when we was first stuffed into those animatronic suits, Freddy kind of took lead and ordered us all about. After a while I got fed up of my younger brother bossing me about so I ended up getting into an argument with him about how unfair he was being."

I nodded, signalling I was keeping up with what he was saying.

"He ended up slapping me like a girl across my face, which I didn't like. I felt my sanity snap then and I went full on crazy. I beat him up then went to find the others. I injured them as well because they liked to pick on me when I wasn't doing a good job at the stupid task Freddy set for me. I learned about this special thing I could do that the others couldn't and took advantage of it. I could teleport so I messed with the others until they gave in and backed down. Soon enough Freddy joined them and they all feared me. I learned that I had powers too so I used it on then for practise." He wiped a stray bit of sweat from his forehead and continued.

"They eventually got absolutely fed up of me using my powers on them and if I'm being honest they looked terrible. Freddy and the others decided on something that will finally put us on even levels. Since I was so lonely being the only one like me and because I didn't really get along with any of them, they decided to give me a girlfriend to play around with. Of course I had to wait a while until the first female guard came but when I found out there was one working at the pizzeria I got excited. I found you and decided to just use you as a -what you could say- play mate. But as I got to know you I fell in love with you and here we are now."

"So that's why you said you hated them." I breathed out, taking this all in. 'Let me get this straight, Freddy was being mean so Goldie went full on psycho then to get him to stop they offered him a play mate? Makes not a lot of sense but nevermind.'

"I can read minds to deary~" He cooed. "Yeah it might not make a lot of sense but that's the past now love."

Smiling, I shifted closer to Goldie and burried my head into his chest. "Can we have a lazy day baby?" I asked in a cute voice.

"If you want princess." He smiled and removed himself from my grasp.

Goldie quickly pulled of his clothing and left his boxers on so he could have a rest with me. He snuggled into the soft blankets and cuddled me.



"Can we put on a movie?"

He groaned and got up. "Anything else your highness?" He asked.

"Um yes sir Goldie, I would like some f/s and f/d."

F/s - favourite snack. F/d - favourite drink.

He chuckled and got up to get the beverages and set up the film.

"Thanks honey!" I yelled as he left the bedroom.

The rest of the day was spent eating junk food and having a movie marathon.


New chapterrrrrrr

Not much to say peeps except this is nearly the end :)

Goldie: Nuuuuu where's the rest of my moment of fame???

Nightmare: If you don't shut your mouth I will actually lever you.

Goldie: Lever me?

Nightmare: Yeah, get a bag of levers and lob them at you.

Goldie: ...

-Sweet Nightmares :P

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