Chapter 11: My hero

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Goldie's POV

I opened my eyes to see black spots filling my view. Slowly, my sight adjusted to my surroundings and I lazily sat up. "Fuck man." I yelled as my head throbbed and felt a stinging pain in my chest.

I glanced around, noticing my surroundings. "Holy mother of purple guy!" I jolted up and my memories of the past few moments rushed back to me.

Suddenly, I began sprinting down the dimly lit hallway. As I was running, I bumped into someone. We both crashed to the ground and I let out a frustrated groan. The person sat up and I recognized her.

"Hey! You're that maid from earlier."

She nodded her head and stood up, brushing herself down.

"Can you tell me where Springtrap went?" I asked nicely.

"Master is in his chambers, down the hall, second right, big wooden doors." She instructed. I told her a quick thanks and dashed down the hallway.

The large set of wooden doors came into view and I took no hesitation into barging into them. The wood split as I crashed through, making a Goldie sized hole.

I looked around and saw Springtrap and Y/n staring at me. I was disgusted at the sight. The rusty golden-green animatronic approached her with an evil grin plastered on his face. The poor girl had rope around her small body that was strapped to a chair she was sitting on.

Springtrap had a blade in his hand which was coated with a layer of blood. It was obvious he hurt Y/n with it because of the deep wounds on her arms and other exposed parts. This, drove me insane.

I snarled and charged towards the twisted robot, changing into my original from in the process.

Y/n's POV

I watched as Goldie changed into his animatronic self and run up to Springtrap. He attacked Springtrap by brutally ripping the blood covered knife from his grasp and stabbing him in the arm with it. Quietly, I spectated and was secretly praying that Goldie would win and set me free.

The torn robot let a glitch scream escape from his mouth and he dropped onto the floor in agony. Goldie kicked him in the chest, making him fall back and howl in pain. The very angry animatronic bear picked up Springtrap and pinned him up against the wall. "Even after all these years, I can still beat your ass in a fight." Goldie snickered.

"Yeah, *cough cough* right." His opponent sarcastically stated. The golden bear kicked him where the sun don't shine and punched him in the face. Springtrap slid onto the floor and gripped his aching manly parts, whimpering in the process. "F*cking d*ckhead." He slurred out just before switching back into a human and passing out.

Goldie quietly chuckled then turned towards me. He sent me a sweet smile while stumbling to me. His cold robot hand caressed my cheek as he looked into my eyes. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Apart from the cuts, I'm totally ok." I whispered. Gently, Goldie released me from the rope and helped me up. My legs felt like jelly and I fell into his chest.

He changed into his human form and picked me up as if I was a baby. I snuggled into his warm body and let him carry me to his car. "My hero." I mumbled.


We pulled into the parking space of Freddy's and climbed out of Goldie's vehicle. He offered an arm to me and delightfully, I took it. In a matter of seconds, we were stood in his underground room. "How do you do that?" I asked, tiredness lingering in my voice.

He chuckled then put a finger to his lips. "That's a secret dear~."

I smiled as he pulled me into a hug. His slender hand rubbed my back soothingly while the other played with a few strands of my h/c hair. "I love you." He whispered.

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