Chapter 10: Captured

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Springtrap's POV

'Wow, Goldie's lady friend is cute.'
I mentally slapped myself for that comment I stated in my mind and continued the walk to my dining area.

"So tell me, how long has it been, pal?" I asked, emphasising the last word.

"Quite a while, Springtrap."

I nodded and lead the two to the dining table. I sat at the head of the table while the others placed themselves beside me.

"M'lady, what kind of tea do you like?" I asked, resting my head into of my hand while my body slouched onto the table. She giggled and her glossy e/c eyes sparkled.

"Um, I like normal tea." She replied.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I questioned. I saw flames of anger flash in Goldie's eyes. "I'm Springtrap by the way."

"Y/n." She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and blushed slightly. 'How did a cute girl like her end up with that scum.' I thought, staring at Y/n's beautiful features.

"Alright, can you get the tea already?" My blonde friend muttered, slamming his fist onto the table. I chuckled and brought my hands together, and clapped.

My maid, Mangle, came in with three cups of hot tea on a silver tray. She carefully placed it on the table and gave out the cups. "Thank you." Y/n smiled.

'Look at that smile. Wow.'

Goldie didn't say anything, he only played with the biscuit on his saucer.

"Thank you Mangle, you can go." I ordered. The white haired female blushed, then left the room.

"Now Goldie, there's no need to play with your food." I sipped a bit of the hot liquid and watched him from the corner of my eye.

He, in return, snarled at me. He picked up the biscuit and threw it at me. "Bitch." He mumbled. 'That's it, the cranky tw*t had to come into my home and act like a d*ck towards me.

I jolted up from my seat, spilling my drink in the process. Y/n looked at me, confusion written all over her face.

Y/n's POV

Springtrap suddenly stood from his seat, making his drink spill all over the wooden table. He sent a deathly glare to Goldie, then looked at me innocently.

The male the changed from human to animatronic. Even though I was kinda used to it, it still shocked me.

He strided over to me and pulled a white cloth from the inside of his metal suit. Springtrap suddenly grabbed me and held the cloth over my nose and mouth.

I breathed the substance in and black dots filled my view. The last thing I remember was falling into Springtrap's while Goldie was calling for me.

Goldie's POV

In a matter of seconds, Springtrap was up, out of his seat, and had Y/n in his arms. He dashed out of the dining room and down a hall.

I chased him down and just as I was about to grab my dear Y/n back, he spun round and kicked me in the chest. I fell back onto the ground in pain.

Springtrap chuckled and hit me with something metal, making me slip into unconsciousness.

Y/n's POV

I woke up with a banging headache. My eyes adjusted to the light, then I checked my surroundings."Where... where am I?"

A light chuckle came from the shadows in the corner of the room.

"Where are you? Hmm, let's see... You worst nightmare." The male said. He stepped out from the darkness, revealing himself.

"Springtrap? What are you-"

"Shut you mouth b*tch, you're mine now."

I looked down to see I was tied with chains to a old wooden chair. I thrashed around, trying to break free. No luck came my way, I had to accept what was going to happen.

Quitely, I sighed and watched Springtrap slowly walk towards me with a smug grin on his face.


Sorry for all the POV swaps!

I know this book is pretty shitty, but it is my first book. I will probably rewrite this book or do another golden freddy x reader in the future.

-Sweet Nightmares!

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