Chapter XXVIII (Percy)

Start from the beginning

Finally, after doing his waiting, it was Percy's turn to act. 

Jason gave the signal and turned on his heels, forcing the Legion after him to run out of the square and out of sight in their pursuit. It dwindled down the amount of enemies within the square enough for Percy to make a clearing.

The son of Poseidon concentrated. His senses expended, reaching out around him for whatever water source was at his disposal. He felt wells and water filled flasks, and even a small stream trickling into the nearby farm. And it was these sources he drew upon. 

Slowly and carefully, Percy forced the water to obey him. At first it was subtle. The water from the wells rose up from their confines, the flasks tied to demigod waists slowly began to leak, and the stream's banks gave way to the controlled force, until suddenly, it started pooling together into the square.

Monsters and demigods gawked at the sudden turn of events; of the strange phenomenon occurring beneath their feet. It was harmlessly pooling around beneath them, coating their shoes and slowly seeping deeper and deeper into the throng of those gathered. Even the scarred-man stood staring with scrunched brows at the unnatural flood. 

And just as quickly, Percy snapped his arm out.

The water shot into the air, making demigods and monsters alike shriek and stumbled amongst themselves. He forced them back against the beginning of the houses, churning the water with as much pressure as his abilities would allow him to. But most importantly, he aimed his attention towards the monsters surrounding his crew. The enemies scattered as the water turned on them, chucking them off the stage or sweeping them away. His fellow crewmates stood close together, unharmed and untouched, watching the scene unfold. And, if Percy wasn't mistaken, he caught site of the last crew member in line doubled over in a fit of laughter (which possibly could have been Leo, judging by the small height and larger-than-average belt around his waist). 

"Get back in formation! Shields bearers cover your comrades! Someone find out what's going-."

Percy doused the leader with a boulder sized chunk of water before he could finish his sentence.
But as much as the son of Poseidon wished to continue, there was only so much his weary mind and body could handle before the strain of power started getting to him. Already, his body felt like lead by the time he picked himself up from his cover. The water ceased its attack, leaving behind a bundled mess of demigods and monsters, scrambling to get up and re-form their ranks. 

Now for part two.

Percy whistled as loud as he could. It drew some unwanted attention, but thankfully Blackjack was quick to swoop down from the clouds. In a flash his trusty steed clamped his maw around Percy's shirt and took off, right back into the air. 

"Change of plans! Drop me on the stage then get out of there!" Percy called out against the rushing of the wind.

'I've got you boss,' Blackjack assured. 

Monsters cried out from below like warning signals as Blackjack angled back around. Unfortunately, some demigods had recovered enough to grab the nearest bow and arrows and aim them in their direction.

'Holy Hera-.' 

Blackjack veered sharply to the right as he dodged the first surge of arrows, making Percy's stomach lurch in a sickly manner. Just before the enemy could re-load their weapons, Blackjack had successfully reached the stage and let go of Percy, who found himself dropping a couple of feet right on top of an empousa.

The monster screeched as he brought out Riptide, slashing down as hard as he could. Golden dust erupted around him as he hit the ground and rolled back to his feet. 

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