4. "I don't do commitments, sorry."

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"Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you."

Another picture of emblu😍I know some of you think that she isn't fit for the role because she isn't the usual character with flawless face and all, but for me she totally fits the role.

I really love this picture because she isn't ashamed of her freckles and flaunts it proudly💕

💎Maxine's P.O.V

I let out a harsh ragged breath as the muscles from my leg strain from the pressure of each sit up that I am currently doing.

My hair was tied in two braids, my hands wrapped around tightly with white tape and I felt a sweat drop at the back of my black sports bra and slide down my fitted shorts.

I practised a few punch combinations along with a few kicks. I felt the familiar rush of adrenaline rush to me.

A knock resonated on the room and I looked to my left to see Alexander's head peeking.

"You're up," He said, indicating that it was time to fight.

I gave him a firm nod, looking around, I tried to find the familiar comfort of m-

"Here," Alexander handed me my robe.

It wasn't just any robe, it was made of soft silk in a golden color. The soft material glinting beautifully as it hits the light. I smiled excitedly as I rubbed my fingers on the letters of "Heartless Queen" that was imprinted at the back.

It was a gift from Richard, the main boss of the rebeus gang, he gave it to me a few months after my career on the underground ring skyrocketed.

I wear it to every single on of my fight eversince. It has a hoodie also, so it helps make my entrance more mysterious.

I felt myself grin as the familiar material brushed against my skin. I pulled the hoodie up and with a ready smile headed out of the door with Alex in tow.

"And tonight, I have the pleasure of introducing to you the most awaited fighter," The host starts and chants grew louder.

I felt the same adrenaline from earlier rush back but this time, it felt ten times thicker. I could fell myself jump lightly a few times to contain it and my hand twitched excitedly.

"She's known to be cold, merciless, and most of all, heartless. Let's all welcome," The host paused seeming as the crowd roared wildly.

I felt myself smile genuinely, this is what I do.

"The heartless Queen," The host exlaimed, fisting his hand high.

"Go get em' sweetheart," Alex smiled, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

I held my chin up high, making my way to the ring. I felt the hands of some random people touch my robe and some stare at me with awe and astonishment.

I pulled myself up using the thick rope  of the ring. The crowd was now indescribable, some were shouting, banging their chairs wildly, while a few just stared.

I looked at my opponent, storm crusher, he looked around his twenties with a deep scowl and 150 pounds of pure muscles. He stood at the height of 6 foot and full of tattoos.

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