“I don’t.” Scarlett replied, sincerely. “Should I?” she asked, her mind racing with the desire to hear a no for an answer.

“Of course not!” he said, as she mentally sighed.

“Good.” Scarlett replied, checking the time.

“Yeah.” Zayn simply said.

“Okay, I need to go.”

“Me too.”

After cutting the call, she began getting ready for work and soon left the house.


In the car, Nathan gushed about how much he loved Autumn’s writing and also about how amazing it would be if she published her book.

Autumn didn’t speak much except the occasional ‘thank you’ and nods.

After that Nathan asked, “What was this deal with Zayn’s ex-girlfriend that Scarlett was talking about?”

“I’ll tell you what it is.” Autumn said, looking stern. “It’s none of our business.”

Nathan smiled, “You jealous?”

Autumn looked at him and said “Why would I be? It’s not like we are dating.”

“But, you love him.”

“So? I can’t afford to get jealous when some perfect pretty girl flirts with my so called best friend. It happens all the time.”

“Wait, so you don’t believe this rumour?”

“No.” she said. “We may not be talking anymore, but I know that Zayn isn’t stupid enough to go back to Victoria. She’s hurt him a lot before.”

“Then, why do you seem so depressed?”

She shrugged, “I just realised for the millionth time what kind of girls Zayn dates.”

Nathan groaned. “Well, that’s lame.”

Autumn said with as much emotion as she could muster, “Your face is lame!”

Nathan instantly began laughing at her flimsy retort. Autumn smiled too. “What are you, thirteen?” he asked, jokingly.

They had arrived at the publication and hence got down from the car. While walking towards the door Nathan said again, “Give it some thought, okay? I’ll bet Denise would love your story.”

“Let it go, Nate.” Autumn said, taking the manuscript from his hands.

Once inside and in the elevator, Nathan said suddenly, “We should go out tonight.”

“What?!” Autumn asked, wide eyed.

“Relax. I meant all of us.” Nathan replied, quickly realising how his words had come out.

Autumn smirked. “You know, if you want to ask Scarlett out, you should just do it directly.”

“This isn’t a date!” he replied, quickly. “We’re just celebrating.”

“Celebrating what?”

“My birthday.” He replied as the elevation beeped to a stop. After stepping out, Autumn almost yelled, “It’s your birthday?! Why didn’t you say something earlier?! Happy birthday!”

“It’s not such a big deal.” He replied, embarrassed by her outburst and a few staring faces around the office.

“Shut up.” She said, hooking her arm around his. “We’ll go somewhere super fun! Maybe you could finally ask Scarlett out and since it’s your birthday she won’t be able to say no!”

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