The Rich List

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"You drape your wrist over the steering wheel," Lorde sang from inside the stereo. "Pulses can drive from here. We might be hollow, but we're brave. And I like you..."

"So... You like Lorde?" I asked, trying to subtly dodge his question as he turned out of the parking lot.

"Don't change the subject."

"We weren't even on a subject yet."

"Yes we were, Tish."

"No. You suggested one and I didn't like it so..."

Luke pulled the car over but kept the motor running.

"we can talk like there's something to say, and I like you. I'm glad that we stopped..."

We were quiet as the song kept playing on.

"I don't like her," Luke finally said. "She's too...Weird."

"What's wrong with weird?"

"I don't know. Nothing, I guess. I'm just not one of those people who can understand it."

I sighed. "Why do you care?"

"What, about Lorde? I don't care. I told you I-"

"No, about me. About me... throwing my life away and stuff."

A small smile took over his lips. "Because I think you're going through what I'm going through. And when I went upstairs to apologize for being a jerk and I saw you dancing, I just knew that... You and I... You and I are the same."

"How can we be the same?" I countered. "You said it yourself - you quit what you hated and I quit what I... what I loved." It was hard to say the last part out loud.

He sighed and, like in the song, draped his wrist over the steering wheel. "That's got nothing to do with it," he whispered, distant from where we were.

"Uh..." I didn't know what I was supposed to say to that. Or if I was supposed to say anything at all. Was he trying to tell me something? Were we having a some kind of a moment? I didn't even know what he was talking about. I had lost him after that sentence. Besides, the last person I wanted to have a moment with was my high school bully. Although, as of late, he didn't really bully as such. Yeah, he teased. Maybe he university finally tamed him. I was still wary of him, though. I mean, this could all be some kind of huge, elaborate prank to once and for all get back at me for all of the times Fleur got back at him. That was kind of far-fetched. But still. I didn't particularly want to go deep with him.

He didn't seem to think the same, though, as he pushed the hand break and pulled onto the road again. "I need to show you something," he said, not looking at me. Maybe it wasn't a moment at all. Maybe he was just lost in his own thoughts. That's what it looked like.

We drove on for a bit. I didn't ask where he was taking me. He seemed deep in deliberation, a crease on his forehead, which was covered a bit by his messy hair. Even when he needed a haircut, Luke was still one of the most gorgeous boys I had ever seen. Maybe even the most.

Not that it meant I liked him or anything.

It was a little hard to like him after the things he had done throughout our teenage years.

He was just easy on the eyes.

Really easy on the eyes.

His brown hair and matching brown eyes along with his flawless, tanned skin made him look as if he had just come from a hot summers' day at the beach. Even in winter. He had this strong jaw and cheekbones that were sharp enough to cut glass. And, unlike Fleur, who was a head shorter than I was, Luke stood a good five or six inches over me. All those features grouped with his confidence and charisma always kept the girls around him back in school. Those qualities would no doubt have had the same effect at UPenn, too.

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