The room fell quiet.

Behind his desk, the Third Hokage expertly hid his grim expression with decades of experience. His job was not a pretty one. He had served as the hokage for years now, even during the Third Great Shinobi war and he was no stranger to seeing his men being befell by tragic fates. He had sent countless men to their own deaths for the village's sake and mourned their sacrifices with a brave heart and a steeled face.

Death wasn't a possibility but an inevitability in their line of work.

He had grown used to the cold grips death had on them but could never truly justify it.

It was the first time that something like this had happened to the time/space jutsu but Hiruzen was certain of what had happened. The screen could not show the boy's future because he simply had no future to see.


The boy's tone was so cold it sent a shiver down the man's spine. No child should ever go through what the young Hyuga was experiencing. In a perfect world, they wouldn't have to sent children out to fight. In a perfect world, children would worry more about what toys they had rather than how many kunai they had left. It broke the old man's heart when he realized his sensei's dream had yet to come pass.

"Yes, Neji-san?"

"Has the seal malfunctioned?"

"I- " Hiruzen was about to lie to the boy and say he had no idea what had happened to the seal, but the situation with Naruto had stopped that train of thought. He had realized how withholding the truth had served more bad than good. "No Neji-san, the seal has not malfunctioned,"

"... I see."

"However, perhaps a change in the formula would perhaps produce different results," the Third recommended and Neji found himself with a decision to make. Did he want to see what the improvised seal would produce for him? Or was he better not knowing?

"... I would like to give it a try, Hokage-sama," Neji answered with a curt bow, and Sarutobi went to work, switching around a few kanji for another and completely erasing a few from the formula completely. It had taken a few minutes but it was finally completed. He motioned for Neji to stand beside him before instructing the boy to give it another try, and this time, the seal glowed a brilliant white (1).

Himawari walked with a slight spring in her step, a bouquet of sunflowers in her hand. Behind her, Hinata kept up with her daughter's pace easily. The two had just returned from a stop at Naruto's office and were on their way to go about the rest of the day's activities.

"Kaa-san, do you think Neji-ojisan will like these flowers?" the girl asked

Hinata smiled. "I'm sure he'll love them sweetheart,"

"It looks like a continuation of Hinata's future," Kurenai commented.

The mother and daughter pair walked briskly towards their destination, the midday sun being their only companion. The village passed by in a blur as they made their way to their destination. Soon, they turned off in a large plot of land. The grass was a vibrant green and small walkways could be seen making a network within the area. The reason for this were the many rectangular blocks of stone rising from the grounds.

Those were headstones which marked graves.

The place was the village's cemetery.

Neji had known the fate that had befell him when the screen had failed to show his future the first time around but refused to believe it. He didn't want it to be true but here was. The proof he needed.

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