Yugi crunched on an apple and he listened to the villager explain his situation to Atem. Occasionally, Yugi would comment or ask a clarifying question to try and help his crimson eyed lover decide on the best answer to resolve the presented problem. A few more bites of the apple found the fruit lay forgotten in Yugi's hand.

A small smile graced Atem's lips as he saw Yugi nodding off next to him. The apple rolled out of Yugi's hand, down his thigh and trekked its way a few feet into the middle of the throne room. Yugi's body hunched over; exhaustion crept over him. One of the guards picked up the runaway apple to clear the throne room floor.

"I apologize. I would like to hear the rest of the issue; however, would you excuse me for a few minutes?" Atem inquired of the villager politely.

"I do not mind. Do what you need to do, Your Highness," The villager bowed. 

The villagers had come to know not to take offense if Yugi were to fall asleep when they spoke. It had been explained that the youth was not sleeping well and could not help how tired he was. He truly did not mean any offense by it. Atem worried that his little one was working himself too hard.

"Thank you," the pharaoh smiled at the villager and stood. He gathered Yugi's sleeping form into him his strong sun-kissed arms. /Some things never change./ Atem smiled down at Yugi while carrying him to their bedroom. Depositing the youth in the bed, he placed a kiss on the soft forehead before returning to the throne room and to the patiently waiting villager.


Atem awoke early the next morning. The sky was a brilliant pink as the sun began to rise. The council of high priests wanted to have a meeting that morning. Why they chose this ungodly hour; Atem had no idea. 

He yawned and stretched his stiff muscles. Once dressed, he headed into one of their meeting rooms and greeted each of the high priests before taking his seat. The meeting was in regards to foreign policies and treaties. After several hours, Atem's stomach roared loudly, interrupting the meeting. A bright blush stained Atem's cheeks and he apologized for the disruption. The priests decided it was best to end the meeting at that time and continue later.

A late breakfast was prepared for the pharoah and the high priests. The crimson eyes looked around for his aibou; not seeing him. 

"Did Yugi eat already?" he asked one of the chefs as she placed a plate in front of him.

"No, You're Highness. I haven't seen him all morning. I don't think he has woken up yet," the brunet chef responded.

"Hmm," Atem pondered curiously, "Excuse me." The pharaoh created a plate of fresh fruit for his amethyst eyed lover. He carried said plate up to their room. Upon reaching the room he did not see Yugi in bed. He tilted his head, confused and concerned. 

The Egyptian tilted his head when noises drew his attention to the bathroom. He placed the plate on the nightstand and entered their washroom.

"Yugi?" Atem called, pushing the door aside. Yugi was on  his knees next to the toilet; his faced buried deep in bowl.  "Awww, Yugi. What's the matter? Do you have the flu?" he asked, sitting next to Yugi and patting his back.

Yugi groaned, "I don't know. I really don't feel very well."

Atem put the back of his hand against Yugi's forehead and then against his cheeks, "You don't have a fever at least. That is a good sign. Did you eat anything yet today?"

Yugi shook his head before his stomach lurched again. He gasped, out of breath and groaned, "No. I haven't eaten anything yet."

"I think it is a safe bet that your combat training is off today. I will let them know. Will you please take it easy and stay in bed today?" Atem requested concern written all over his face.

Yugi blinked blurry eyed at his spouse. He was trying to figure out of his stomach was done throwing fits or not. After several minutes he started to stand, "I don't like spending the day in bed."

"I know you don't, but I think it would be best for you to rest today, My Love. Will you please do it?" Atem requested, following Yugi back into the bedroom where the youth climbed back into bed.

Yugi sighed, "I'm not sure why I feel like such crap. I suppose to help me fight off this bug, I will stay in bed for the day. " Yugi's amethyst eyes slid closed momentarily as he yawned, "Maybe I'm overdoing the combat training."

"Maybe. Try backing down to two days of training for a little while instead of four." Atem offered his suggestion; his long bronze finger tracing the bridge of Yugi's. He watched the exhausted amethyst eyes struggle to stay open. Only a few minutes later, Yugi's body relaxed and let go of the conscious world. Atem watched Yugi for several minutes a frown of concern pulled his lips down. 


Yugi was back on his feet running here and there throughout the palace the very next day. The day was gorgeous and Yugi just couldn't stay inside all day. Atem decided to join Yugi for a walk out in the gardens for lunch.

"I wanted to ask you something," Yugi began turning to the man that possessed his heart.

"Of course. You can ask me anything you want, Little One," the tri-colored pharaoh winked at him.

"My grandfather called me the other day. He said a group of his friends are doing an archaeology dig not too far from here. They wanted him to go with them." Atem nodded awaiting Yugi to continue, "My grandpa is not able to go any more digs due to his bad back. He mentioned my name to them and they want me to join them for a few weeks." Yugi squeaked excitedly. "Would you mind?"

"No! Yugi that is fantastic! I am so happy for you. I want you to follow your dreams. Don't let me hold you back," Atem embraced Yugi whole-heartedly.

Yugi jumped up and down excitedly reminding Atem of a child at Christmas. Yugi even did a few back flips. He landed the back flips easily enough. His grin spread widely across his face from ear to ear. He couldn't believe how happy he was. He did not think his life could get any better. He began walking back over to Atem before he began feeling a little lightheaded, "Maybe I shouldn't have done...." Yugi gulped; the world spun out of control around him, "Uh..." Yugi's eyes clouded. He tried to his best to focus on what he was saying before.

Atem watched Yugi carefully. He moved closer to his spouse, "Are you okay, Yugi?"

Yugi stumbled forward a few steps, "Maybe I shouldn't have ..." he groaned, "....the back flips."

"YUGI!" Atem yelled, catching the petite youth when he blacked out and started to fall. The pharoah new that something was very wrong. There was something definitely not right with his little aibou. He carried Yugi into the palace and ordered the best doctor they had to immediately attend to Yugi.


"I'M WHAT!" Yugi screamed at the doctor.

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