Camila: You're adorable
(8:33 AM)

Camila: Thank you
(8:33 AM)

Lauren: Uh hey, it's Normani. I think you broke my friend. She's practically drooling and just staring off into space
(8:37 AM)

Lauren: She hasn't even blinked in like 3 minutes
(8:37 AM)

Camila: Oops
(8:38 AM)

Camila: Sorry
(8:39 AM)

Lauren: Girl don't be sorry! I've known Lauren for years and I've never seen her like this, it amusing as hell
(8:41 AM)

Camila: Never?
(8:42 AM)

Lauren: Never! She doesn't ever fall for anyone, not this hard anyway, she's pretty guarded. Whatever spell you've got her under, keep it up. It's nice to see her smile for no reason and it's nice to see her letting herself feel something for once
(8:45 AM)

Camila: Wow
(8:46 AM)

Camila: I didn't realize she liked me that much..?
(8:46 AM)

Lauren: She's got it bad and from the picture you sent I can see why! Also Ally is freaking out because baby Mila looks like a grown up
(8:48 AM)

Camila: HI ALLY!!!! Okay, well I have to go I just got to school and I need to find the rest of my class so we can go to the museum. I hope Lauren recovers soon. Nice talking to you Normani!
(8:50 AM)


(1:49 PM)

Lauren: What did Normani say to you?
(1:55 PM)

Lauren: She deleted a bunch of messages before she would give me my phone back
(1:56 PM)

Camila: She said nothing
(1:58 PM)

Camila: Good luck on your presentation. BUH-BYE!
(1:58 PM)

Lauren: CAMILA!!
(1:59 PM)

Camila: How was the presentation?
(2:53 PM)

Lauren: Good, pretty sure I nailed it
(2:55 PM)

Lauren: Just leaving class now
(2:56 PM)

Camila: I know
(2:57 PM)

Camila: Look up
(2:57 PM)


"Camz!" Lauren yelled as she watched Camila shove her phone into her pocket, running towards where Lauren was standing outside of the Frost building with Ally and who Camila assumed was Normani.

Writing On The Wall - Text Fic (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now