Randomness and Quotes

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A/N - So, this is me getting kinda annoyed at the PJO movies. I absolutely love the books, but he movies? Not so much... (Also I'm writing on my iPod so if there are spelling mistakes, I'm sorry). Bye for now and LUV 2 U ALL! <^v^>


Now, I love PJO to DEATH, but only the books. Why? BECAUSE THE MOVIES SUCK! Like, what the heck, i mean seriously, how did such and epic and perfect book series progress in the horrors that have become these movie. The first book never touched on a bunch of key points, and then the second movie!?! Don't even get me STARTED on the second movie. The first movie was ok, but they could have done soooooooo much better, and then the second movie would be alright on it's own, but in the PJO series? No. Just frickin NO. For the first example I'd love to know how such an epic and awesome book series turned into such an awful and inaccurate movie series (is that what you call that? I have no frickin clue so I hope that's the word for it). They probably wouldn't be so bad if thy weren't based off a book series and just stood alone, but a lot of people know the PJO plot line, and I feel like the movie makers just stole the characters and a few key things/places from the book, and then erased the plot line and created a whole new one.

Thats not the smartest idea when your dealing with a huge-ass fan-base(most only supporting the book), and also, when a pretty much perfect book series turns into a movie, tons of people are excited about it! I mean, it's the same concept invoked in the Hunger Games Movies, but the difference is that the Hunger Games actually turned into some decent movies(I do have some problems with the Hunger Games Series, but that will have to wait...). I'm going to talk about the first movie first, and then the second movie. Plus, now Rick Riordan sold his rights to the movies so now the movie makers can just go crazy and do whatever they want!

Honestly, my first thoughts after the movies were as follows:







So, the first movie was pretty cool. Chiron looked way more terrifying and strange then i imagined, and Mrs.Dodds was a bit strange looking, but that besides, it was ok. The cast was kinda strange because Annabeth has brown hair. im just like, how hard is it to dye your hair or put on a wig or something, but at least they tried to fix the problem in the second movie. So, first off, why is Percy's cabin so far away from the others? The cabins are supposed to be together in a semi-circle-ish-thing. What I'm getting at is organized circle-thing of cabins, not them strewn everywhere. Also, why does Luke have his own room looking thing and how come it looks so cool with video games and shit? I mean, there is supposed to just be bunks, and although Luke's version looks waaaay more awesome, the cabin is supposed to be crowded. Also, if Percy's room is so open, how's he going to sleep? The real problem is when we hit the storyline. They went all around the country in search of magic pearls? Like what da heck? Why? And then Percy has frickin magic powers so he can heal Annabeth? And then the Lotus Hotel? I mean, just come on. Also, in the underworld, Grover basicly got saved from an enertiny of sex with Persephone. Why? Just why? This is a kids/teens movie. Andfinally that last battle was just sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm just thinking that it might have been kinda important, but dat never happened. Also, where did the fight scene with Ares and the smallish romantic moment between Percy and Annabeth go? Those were kinda important small details (like why Ares hates Percy so much and the Zoo Truck brings up happy-ish memories in the Mark Of Athena).



I mean, first off, Percy and Annabeth never got to Circe's Island, which means they never met Circe, Reyna, or Reyna's older sister (queen of the amazons). What that means is now Reyna never became the Roman Preator, and her sis never became the amazon leader, which brings up the question of WHO THE HECK IS RUNNING THE CAMP AND/OR AMAZON WAREHOUSE NOW? Secondly, Clarisse and Percabeth never got stuck inside of the sea teeth monster thing. Third, Luke never got that close to raising Kronos, Polyemphis didn't live in an old amusement park, and the 'nobody' scene never occurred!!! And then Kronos CAME and ATE LUKE!!! Like seriously WTF!!! Just W-T-F. Why did they have to screw up the ages as well. I'm 14 so everybody should be closer to our (if you want to include yourself fellow PJO fangirl/boy and are not too old) ages. Not a frickin unattainable 18 year old. (And think about the future books! Percy and Annabeth and the others are gonna be closer to a marriageable age but they're still gonna be dating. I don't get it!)

Also in the first movie the Chiron was a TOTALLY different actor and Annabeth was a brunette. Not a blondie like she's supposed to be, but a BRUNETTE. Like, how fricken hard is it to just find an actress with the right hair color or if you have to, DYE IT. And now in the second movie, she's a blondie. Like, hey Annabeth, where the heck were you in the first movie? Oh, that was YOU? Pfffffffttt, I ain't buying that.

And then is it just me or you think that these movies might have just ended up better animated, because that's TOTALLY how I see it. I mean, Zach Effron is kinda hot, but he's not twelve. They are supposed to be 12 and 13 in the first and second movies, not 17 and 18 or whatever. They're supposed to be around my age (I'm 14-ish), not like 5 years older. I mean, how hard is it to find young people and say Hey, your now going to be in one of the Percy Jackson Movies. I mean, who's gonna say no?

Honestly, I'm just kinda disappointed in Rick Riordan and those movie makers for doing this to all you devoted PJO fans. It's just kinda sad. Like, if you want to make a movie out of a totally awesome book series, do it right or don't do it at all.

Oh well.

Luv 2 U All!


And authors note, I <3 PJO SOOOO much. Ya don even kno. Ya jus don even kno. Plus, I'm NOT a hater, I'm usually a happy person, but if someone intervenes between me and my favorite book series, well shits about to go down (sorry for cussing, but I'm serious. Most of the time anyways. Welll, BAAIII! Hugs to you all!!! <^v^> Luv u guys!

(PS It's like 4 am on a school day (I'm officially and idiot) so if there are grammar mistakes, I'm sorry. I'm tired. Also I'm writing on my iPod so Auto-Correct is making my life way harder than it should be (I'm just wondering how it thinks that when I say first I mean dirty. How is there a connection? Can anyone tell me?) Sorry I'm rambling but I'm exhausted so yeah.

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