IX ;ᵖᵃʳᵗ ¹

Start from the beginning

A dream had turned into a nightmare.

He was so lost in his train of thought, forgetting where he was and what was the situation he got himself into. He had lost his way and further more, the devil taking favour on it new victim.

The devil like it new victim.

The hardest-one was the last victim it wanted the most at that moment, to complete it own game and self-satisfication.

"Come on~ Just agree and you-"

Jaehyun will be the newest-one in it collectionㅡ the desperado-boys, boys craved for love.

A love that isn't exist.

The rarest and almost disappear; eternal love.

But the devil only kept the words within itself. Of course, the wolf wanted the lost lamb trapped in it maze. So, why would the devil told him that?

"-you'll get both of it. The girl and her love."

As Jaehyun fall for it, his eyes darken and unconsciously, the devil actually wonㅡ silently.

The devil offered him a weird-shape fruit and gingerly, Jaehyun took it without asking furthermore.

Then, he jolted up from his nightmare, desperately gasping for air whilst visible tears slipping down from the corner of his eyes as his body was drenched of his own sweat.

Slowly, he tried to breath properly again. Ignoring how sweaty his body was, he let the wind did it job, drying his sweat away.

When he got his breathing back, he untangle his strong grip off the blanket, freeing the poor and innocent blanket from his harsh grip.

He was less scared after regaining himself back. He remained himself that all of those he had saw and felt were just a mere nightmare.

However, that kind of nightmare hit him deeply after the night of his birthdayㅡ Valentine's Day.

Without thinking more, he eyed his room wildly, to make sure that he wasn't still in the nightmare. And how desperate he was to sigh a relief when his eyes found something that trigger his fear of losing something to some random nightmare.


There, lay the fruit that had a weird shape. He was sure that the fruit looked so exactly the same as the fruit he hold unconsciously in the nightmare. Vividly, it was the demon who had him took it into his hands.

Fear kicked his gut as his whole body including his hands shook violently.

It took him a lot of courage to push only his left hand toward the fruit and when he succeed doing it, he twirled the apple in a very slow pace.

He stopped when his eyes caught something. There was some alphabet on it. Which it was actually...a reminder for him. It said,


Silent hung in between them. Jaehyun remained his blank face as for Byul, she seem like she just entered a whole new world. She never expected his story to be like that. Moreover, that devil.

There was one thing she sure of. Jaehyun's story still undone. He didn't mention about him and ... Yuta.

She was very sure that his story still far from the climax and the end.

"That's not the ending...right?"

He shook his head once and looked into her eyes again.

From the eyes, she knew that he was asking her if she actually ready to hear the next one, which she fairly nodded her head for yes.

"Are you...sure about this? No one actually want to listen to my story before-"

She held her hand up.

"It's my job to listen and it's your job to tell me. Now, please..."

Unconsciously, she took his hands into her small ones. A strange feeling shot into her vein when her skin touched his but been the Stubborn Byul, she immediately shook it off her mind.

"I need to know what's make you-"

And again, unconsciously, her thumb caressed his skin in a very soothing way, making the latter felt a little calmer than before.

"-turned to be an innocent toy."

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