The Proposal

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Chandler Riggs Imagine.

(You guys around the age 20+)

You and Chandler are on a flight to Paris, a gift Chandler bought you for your birthday. The two of you stuff your carry on's into the department above your guy's seats. You sit at the window and Chandler sits beside you without even looking at eachother your hands are already held together. You look at Chandler and smile and he returns one as well. The plane takes off and you eventually fall asleep on his shoulder. You are startled by Chandler a couple hours later. "Hey , sweetheart we are landing soon the pilot wants everyone to put their seatbelts on. You yawn and then nod your head. Chandler helps you buckle it in. You grab his arm and use it as a pillow as you wait for the plane to land. Once the plane lands you and Chandler are both extremely tired so you climb into a taxi that brings you two to your hotel. Chandler has a little bit of trouble with the person at the front desk because the man there wasnt the best at speaking english but he evetually gets it all worked out and the two of you are evetually both crashed and asleep in the bed. In the morning Chandler brings you out for a nice breakfast. "guess where we're going today?" He says with a sly smirk on his face. You smile and raise your eyebrow. "Where?" You ask. "Le Eiffel Tower." He attempt to say in a french type accent. You squeal quietly then reach across the table and kiss him. You both finish your breakfast and then set off to go see the eiffel tower. You hold Chandler's hand as you walk on the cobble stone paths side by side. Chandler stops and smiles at you, You smile back at him and you see him shaking. "Whats wrong?" You ask concerned. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out and then he lets out a little laugh. You laugh wiht him. he lets go of you hand and reaches into his back pocket. "Your phone?" You ask. He shakes his head and you give him a weird look. He then kneels down on one knee infront of you and holds out a small box. Your eyes become teary and you begin crying. You cover your mouth because your afraid that if you dont you will scream at the top of your lungs. "Ms. (Last Name) will you give me the honor of marrying you?" He asks while stuttering. You close you eyes and nod, not being able to say the words yes. Chandler opens up the box and slips the ring on your finger and he hugs you. When you look up at his face it has also become full fo tears. You lean and give Chandler a gentle kiss.


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