Jelousy ....DunDun Dunnnnn

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••Chandler Riggs Imagine••

You and Chandler have been dating for a while now and you both are finally ready to express yourselves in public so Chandler invites you to Philadelphia to go to a comic con with him. It took some persuading but eventually your parents let you go. You had exactly 2 hours to finish packing and get ready. You shoved half your closet into your suitcase and sat and jumped on it to make it close. Then you had a shower. You maybe, or maybe not have sang a little considering how happy you where. You had just finished straightening your hair when you heard a knock on the door. You squealed quietly than ran to the door. Chandler stood there in a very nice looking outfit and you licked your lips and examined him. You where startled by you mom who had been watching you. Chandler held in a laugh and then let it out when your mom had finally left. "You ready?!?" Chandler asked excitedly. "Yeah!" You said grabbing his hand and dragging him in. You yanked your suitcase off your bed then ran back to the front door still holding chandlers hand. "BYE MOM!!! BYE FAMILY!" You yelled from the front door and before your mom had time to give you a hug you were already in Chandlers fathers car. "Good evening." You said. "Well good evening to you to (Y/N) " He replied. Chandler helped you buckle up your seatbelt and you guys where off the the airport. On the plane you fell asleep cuddle with chandler and he had kept on kissing your forehead and telling you he loved you because he knew planes sometimes made you uneasy. Once you where all back on land a limo picked the three of you up and brought you to a fancy hotel. You held Chandlers hand as you walked in. Some teenagers most likely in love with chandler were giving you dirty looks and Chandler told you not to worry about it. You reached the sweet and although Chandler and you could not sleep in the same bed at around 2 am chandler said he couldn't sleep and came and cuddled with you. "(Y/N)" he said repeatedly as he tried to wake you up in the morning and you smiled while yawning once you woke. You quickly got dressed in your favourite outfit and followed Chandler and his dad down stairs to the Comic Con. Once you guys reached Chandlers booth the both of you were yawning like crazy. Before the Convention opened Chandlers dad said he was going to get a couple water bottles so while he did that Chandler took that time to finally give you a proper kiss. ***CONVENTION OPENING IN 2 MINUTES*** a speaker said and that was your guys cue to settle it down. He say down and you sat down beside him. Then in came the rush of people. The day went by surprisingly fast and by the last hour there was about 20 more people left in the line. Chandler held your hand in one hand and signed with others. And both of you laughed and ignored the dirty looks. Then you saw a girl, with brown long straight and perfect hair, green eyes and a very slim body figure in the line. You didn't realize it but your grip on Chandlers hand became tighter and he looked at you. "What's wrong?" He whispered . You shook your head "nothing sorry" "oh okay." He said and continued to sign and occasionally take pictures. Once the girl you saw in line came up she was leaning on the table letting a lot of cleavage show right in Chandlers face. "Hi." She said sweet like then glared at you. "Hi." Chandler smiled. You knew it was just an act and that Chandler had to be nice to all of his fans but you couldn't help it. She was making you tense and you realized that Chandler had let go of your hand. "Can I take a picture with you honey." She asked and you burst out laughing displeased and a lot of people looked at you including Chandler and the girl. "Is there something wrong.?" She asked making a pouty lip. You shook your head "no I just thought of something funny that happened." You tried to cover it up. "That's what I thought." She smiled. Chandler stood up. "Would you be a dear and take a picture of us?" The girl asked. You nodded and smiled even though you wanted to punch the girl right in the head and beat her to death. You walked over towards them. She had her hand as close as she could to his genitalia without actually touching it and her boobs as close as she could to his face. Those are things you haven't even done! And aren't even ready to do. You quickly took the picture then slammed the camera on the table. "There you happy?" You screamed then ran out. "(Y/N) wait!" Chandler yelled. But you kept walking and when you looked backed the girl was making out with chandlers cheek. You where so angry and so furious. You didn't want to say it but you where jealous and you've never cared about someone this much in your entire life and you felt like you could actually trust someone and then this happens . You stormed out the doors than ran and say on a bench. You wanted to scream but there was people around. But it didn't stop your from crying. You curled into a ball on the bench and closed your eyes. You regret coming on this trip. You hate saying that but that's true. ***COMIC CON HAS ENDED PLEASE LEAVE THROUGH THE EXITS AROUND THE BUILDING***** a speaker announced. The building had eventually been all cleared about 10 minutes later and you still sat on the bench. You felt someone sit beside you and you opened your eyes a bit and saw it was Chandler. "What's wrong?" He asked calmly. "WHATS WRONG?!?!" You yelled "IF YOU DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG YOU DONT KNOW ME !" You yelled again. "I'm sorry" he said. "Is it because of that girl?" He asked. You shook your head not wanting to talk about it. "Look (Y/N) I'm sorry about that I have to act like that around my fans." He blurted. "Did she give you a boner." You asked "WHAT?!" Chandler asked as if you where joking. "You heard me, did she give you a boner or turn you on?" "I saw how she was touching you, how her fingers where inches away from your genitalia." " not to mention the boobs in your face." You said. Chandlers jaw was dropped not expecting any of that. He didn't answer. "That's what I thought." You said than stood up. Before you could walk away Chandler had already grabbed your wrist. "(Y/N) , you say I don't know you but you don't know me, you are my world. Your the only one that has ever turned me on. I'm sorry that I made you feel this way but I love you , I love you so much and it hurts to hear you say this and I never want you to leave me and I never want to leave you. I wanted to chase after you as soon as you left but I couldn't. I would have gotten in shit. But oh god...(y/n) I love you more than anything." Chandler cried. You lip quivered and your began crying. You ran into his warm arms and held him tight. "I never want to lose you, I want to stay here in this moment forever." You said. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." You replied.


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