Flowers In The Attic

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Chandler Imagine


Your father just passed away in a car crash and your mother is left with nothing, so you, and your mother and your three siblings are forced to move into your grandparents house, a very Christian family, your mother ran away when she was young, with her husband who was also her half cousin, so it was considered incest. When you reach the house it is very fancy and quite large. Your family gathers up in one room while you all wait for your grandmother. When your grandmother reaches the room she yells at your mother and hits her and you hold your two younger siblings tight while your older brother holds you to. Your mother doesn't say a word to your grandmother. "I MAKE THE RULES IN THIS HOUSE!" Your grandmother screams. Your mother follows her mother and you follow your mother. They reach an attic and your mother guides you in there. "You all must stay in here. I'll be back in a few days" your mother says. "But mother? Why must we stay here?" You ask. "Because your grandfather will be startled if he sees you." She says . You nod your head and then go and lay down in the one bed that is there. Your older brother , Chandler sets the twins down and comes and sits next to you. "Do you miss father?" He asks. You look at him and slowly nod. Day after day your mother comes to the door and tell you she'll be back and you all are fed a small meal. But after a while she stops coming and days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and eventually a year. Tommy, your younger brother becomes sick and you try to beg your grandmother to help by banging on the door but she doesn't listen. Chandler and you become worried. Tommy's get a very high fever and once he goes to bed, he doesn't wake up the next morning. Your younger sister is devastated and doesn't talk very much. You are crying at a mirror in a small room and chandler walks in to comfort you. "Are you okay?" He asks. You shake your head no. He takes your hair and moves away from your face, "it's going to be okay." He says. You close your eyes and let a tear fall. His hand feels warm against your face. Which is strange because he's your brother. "I've never felt a boy's hand against my face." You stutter . Chandlers shyly smiles then removes his hand. "Sorry." He says. "Oh ,oh it's fine." You mumble. You turn away from him. "Um, um (Y/N)" chandler stutters. You look back at him. "Yah?" You ask. "Your pretty." He says. You smile, "you think I'm pretty?" You ask. He nods his head slowly. You walk towards him and look into his eyes. He slowly, reaches his hand towards your face. "I know it's wrong to feel this way." He says. You bite your lip and ignore what he says and slowly take your hands and gently hold onto his arms. He slowly leans close to you and you both have a gentle kiss. And In that moment you knew it was wrong but who new if you guys would survive another year with how skinny you'd both get. You only had each other. You slowly lifted his shirt off and felt his warm skin. Chandler was polite and left yours on. You both new you weren't looking for sex, more like someone to comfort each other. And in the moment you were both infinity.

Imagines (Chandler Riggs & Carl Grimes)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя