Flowers In The Attic Part II

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Chandler pushed you away. "Wait this is wrong." He said looking into you eyes. You closed your eyes. "I know." You say. "I just feel so lonely sometimes." You say. "Your not alone." He says grabbing ahold of your hands. Your smile and then he hugs you tight. He kisses the top of your head and you both stay there still not moving. You hear the attic door open and the sound of shoes banging against wood. "Chandler! (y/n)" you hear a voice call and you soon realize it's your grandmothers. You panic and pick up Chandlers shirt off the ground. Your grandmother comes swooping around the corner and looks at the both of you in disgust. "You dirty little descendants from satan! " she screams. "No!" Chandler yells. "We didn't do anything!" I cried. Your grandmother yanks on your arm and drags you out of the attic. "CHANDLER!" You scream repeatedly and he runs after you but before he can even pull you away the door is locked again. "You filthy child." She yelled. "Where are you taking me?!??" You ask concerned. "To punish you! Of course." She says as if you were being sarcastic. She pulls you to a room and grabs a whip. You scream Chandlers name so loud your lungs hurt. She whips you once and you scream in pain. You can hear Chandler screaming your name and trying to get the door open. The second whip is way more painful than the first one and takes of a huge piece of skin. You hear the sound of smashing wood and know Chandler has broken the door down. "(Y/N)" you hear him say as it gets closer. You grandmother whips your 3 times in a row as hard as she can and you can feel anything. You begin coughing an blood ends up all over the floor as you fall to your knees. Chandler makes it into the room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" He cries. "get out !" You grandmother screams. You try to say something but you can barely breath. Your grandmother runs over to you and threatens chandler by holding the whip around your neck. Your crying and don't know what to do. Chandler stands absolutely still and then runs towards you and your grandmother. He kicks your grandmother in the stomach and grabs your hand and runs upstairs you scream at your sister to come to you guys and she runs. The three of you book it out side as fast as you can in bare feet. Not looking back. You don't stop you keep running until you are at least a couple miles away. You collapse and can't run anymore. Chandler grabs you and hugs you and your sister hugs your feet. "You'll never be alone." He whispers. You look at him and he kisses you.


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