"And is there a song called Serendipity in the album?" Josh wanted to know.

"No, I never give my albums the name of one of the songs in it" Harry answered.

"Then why did you choose that name?" Josh questioned.

"Because when I started writing the songs for this, I thought it was going to be a certain type of album, but as I kept going, I realized I was making something completely different than what I initially thought, something better" Harry explained.

That was complete bullshit, the album was called like that because of Louis, but he couldn't say that, so he had come out with this explanation, knowing he was going to be asked about the tittle of the album.

"So what can we expect from Serendipity? Is it a lot like this first single?" wondered Josh.

"Uhmm... it is in the way that it's less pop than my other albums, and there're a couple more upbeat songs like Game Over, but most of them are more mellow, and there're some lyrics that deal with more adult issues"

"That's interesting, can you elaborate on that?" Josh asked.

"Not really" Harry chuckled "You just have to wait until November 17th".

"Oh, come on, give us a little more" Josh begged.

"I can't, I'm sorry" Harry apologetically.

"Well, then, I'm going to have to by your new album when it comes out, because I'm intrigued" Josh told him.

"I hope you like it" Harry smiled.

"I'm sure I will" Josh replied  "That was Harry Styles everyone, and here's his new single Game Over!".

They went off the air, as Harry's single played, and they both took their headphone off.

"Thanks for coming, Harry" Josh stood up, and offered his hand.

"My pleasure, I like it when you interview me, you keep it about the music" Harry said as he shook his hand.

"It's how it should be" Josh replied "I hope you can come back after the album's out".

"Yeah, I'll be sure to come back when I'm touring here" Harry agreed.

They said goodbye, and Harry walked out of the room, and he immediately took out his phone to sent a text.

To Louis: I talked about the name of the album today and it reminded me of u, i miss u, xx

While he had been in America, Harry had made sure to keep in contact with Louis, so he knew he hadn't forgotten about him. But between the time difference, Harry's busy schedule, and Louis' 2 jobs, it was difficult to find time to talk on the phone, so they had just been texting most of he time.

It was Harry's only way to mark his territory, and not because he was worried that Louis might find someone else, what he was worried about was him getting back together with his ex. And it wasn't like Louis had even mentioned him while Harry had been in the US, but he knew Zayn had the habit to visit Louis once in a while to try to get back with him.

"Harry, we have to go" Chris, his manager, told him.

"Yes, sure"  Harry agreed putting his phone away.

When they left the building, there were a lot of fans gathered around, screaming Harry's names, so he took the time to take a few pictures and sign some stuff, before he got in the car.

They were actually going to New Jersey right now, to meet with a band that could potentially be Harry's opening act on his tour, but he wanted to check them out live before he made the final decision. He was aware that most artists didn't do that, but he liked to be involved in that sort of thing, it was important to him.

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