Chapter 26

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"Who are you?" She asked. My heart sank. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing come out. The doctors came in and checked on her. I heard my phone ring and picked it up. It was her brother Andrew.



A-Is she awake?

P-Yeah she just woke up. The doctors are checking on her now.

A-REALLY?! I'm on my way!

And he hung up before I could say she lost her memory or at least her memory of me.

The doctor came out. "You're her fiancé right?" he asked I nodded. "She has suffered from a far more severed head injury then we thought. Which lead to her losing her memory." he explained. I nodded and he walked away. I went back in.

"Hey." I said weakly. "Um...hi." she said. "Where's my parents?" she asked. "There at the hotel about 3 blocks from here." I said. Her parents had flown here when they heard about the accident as did her brothers but they had to return to work.

"I want to see my daddy." she said I nodded. "I'll go get them I'll be right back." I went to kiss her but remember she doesn't know me so I just left.

I drove to the hotel and went to room 376 I knocked and her mother answered the door. "Hello Mrs.Carter, Katherine has waken up and wants to see both of you." I said. After a couple minutes we made it back to the car and drove to the hospital. We got back to the hospital and to her room. I went to the cafe as they talked. I really hope she remembers me.


"Daddy?" I asked. "Yeah baby?" he replied. "You look different." I said. He looked way older. "What do you mean baby?" he asked. "You didn't look like this yesterday." I said. "Baby, you have been you for 2 weeks." My mom explained. "But you guys look way older." I said and they chuckled. "well thank you." my dad said sarcastically. "Baby? What's the last thing you remember?" my mom asked I had to think.

"Going to the movies with Michael." I said. She looked at me weird. "How old are you?" she asked I looked really confused at her. "14 why?"


I waited in the Cafe. I told her brothers to meet me here to give her parents a little more alone time. I have been sitting here for an hour when her brothers walked in and sat with me. "How is she?" Michael asked. I had come to realize Andrews more protective but Michael worries more. "Well, her head injury is worse then they expected." I said. "How much worse?!" Andrew asked. I looked down. "She...doesn't remember me...but she remembered your parents." I said and looked up. Michael had his hands above his head and was pacing back and forth and Andrew had his head on the table.

I saw her parents coming down and stood up. "She...she...she thinks she's 14." Her mother said as tears rolled down her checks they all hugged and I stood there in shock. Her mom emerged from the hug and walked over to me. She looked me in the eyes and hugged me. I hugged her back and she cried into my shirt. She let go and have me a weak smile. Her dad walked up. He eyed me up and down. I know he hates me. One because I'm dating his daughter and two because of my tattoos. "I don't like it, but I know you make her happy. If anyone can help her through this it's you." he said and stuck his hand out I shook it. "Phil, Andrew and I are going to see her you coming?" Michael asked I nodded and we went up to her room.

They walked in first and I trialled behind them. "Andy!!!" she said with a huge grin on her face. "What's going on everyone keeps looking at me weird." she said he frowned. "It's okay sis. You just hit your head." he said. "Then...who are you?" she asked I was about to speak but Michael stepped in. "He's your boyfriend." he said. "What?! He can't be he's like 30 I'm only 14!" She said I was really confused now.

"Um, kitty you're 30 and he's 34." Michael said. "What?! I...I can't be." she said looking around. "what's today's date?" I looked at my phone. "Um January 23, 2014" I said she was shocked. "NO IT CANT BE! It's March of 1996!" she said.

Andrew slowly gave her a mirror and she looked into it and rubbed her face. "It can't be! I look so old!!" she said. "I think you look beautiful." I mumbled and looked at the ground. "Andrew?" she asked he looked up. "Yeah?" "What happened to me?" she asked. "I don't really know but um...he was there." he said and looked at me. I cleared my throat.

"We were driving back to the hotel." I started and Andrew and Michael left. I kept having flashbacks of the impacted and looking at Carter passed out in the chair next to me. I remember the firefighters pulling her out first and the way her body looked so limp in his arms. I remember the last thing I saw was then giving her CPR. I snapped out if my thought and continued. "We were hit by a truck about 2 blocks from the hotel. We were brought here. I woke up a week later to find you still unconscious." I finished and looked down.

"It was my fault. I was driving. I looked over at you and went I turned back it was to later the car was right there...." I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked into her eyes. "It's not your fault." she said and I looked back down. I almost have killed the women I love and now because of me she doesn't even remember who I am.




Phil blames himself!!! Will Carter remember Phil and the rest of her life?

Love ya-Carter

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