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Katherine's POV:
I'm running through the halls of Mystic High.
Voice: Come out come out wherever you are Kitty.
I hide behind one of the vending machines.
Voice: Come on Kitty. The sooner you come out the sooner you die.
I turn around and throw a fire ball. It hits their leg and I make a run for it. I reach one of the classrooms and run inside. I go under the teacher's table. They walk in and I hold my breath so they don't hear me.
Voice: I can hear your heartbeat.
Their fingers tap on the desk. Their head whips down in front of me.
Voice: Boo!
I punch them in the face and keep on running. I'm almost at the doors when I look back to see if they're coming. I'm going to open the doors when they I see them right in front of me. They push me and I fly down to the other side of the hall. I get up and they're walking towards me. I mutter a spell and the person is hit against the lockers. I run through another hall as fast as I can. My phone starts to ring. I look at my phone and see its Stefan. I'm about to answer it when it's taken from hand and thrown. I slap them across the face as hard as I can and keep on running.
Voice: You can't run forever. You may have run for hundreds of years but you can't run from me for long.
I grab a textbook and wait behind a door. They walk through and I whip them in the back of the head with it. I hit them with it again and head towards the gym. When I get there they're already waiting.
Voice: You just don't know when you're beaten do you?
Katherine: I'm not beaten yet.
I take a small wooden stake and run at them. I shove it into their arm as they let out a scream of pain I and dart out the doors. I can't believe they're doing this. I go into the front office and I dial the phone.
Stefan: Hello?
Katherine: Stefan help! I'm at the school and they're right behind me?
Stefan: Who? Katherine what's wrong?
Katherine: I'm so sorry Stefan.
Stefan: Katherine whose coming to get you?
Katherine: It's-
Voice: Hello cheap tramp.
They run at me and I drop the phone. The lunch room!
I throw a bunch of tac's and head for the lunch room.
Voice: Ow!
I trail the tac's behind me as I go. I want to make sure they hurt as they walk. I turn the corner and they're right in front of me holding a knife.
Voice: Goodbye Katherine.
They go to stab me and I close my eyes in fear. When nothing happens I open my eyes and see that I'm in the school kitchen. Cool.
I look through the shelves for weapons I could use.
Voice: Impressive Kitty. But we both know you can't do magic whenever you want.
They take a knife and throw it at me. It stops right before it hits me. I levitate it back and they get out of the way.
Voice: What are you doing?
I look to both sides and see that all the knives, cleavers and sharp object hovering.
Katherine: You should leave.
Voice: You wouldn't. You're not strong like you used to be.
Katherine: Yes I am.
Voice: No you're not.
They launch at me and some of the weapon zoom at them and pin them against the wall. I run and the objects follow me. I go to hide under one of the tables.
Voice: Hi hi, you shall die. Where are you my little Kitty?
The table is thrown and it goes right through the window.
Voice: Hi skank.
I stand up.
Katherine: Why are you doing this?
Voice: You ruined everyone's lives. You've been a horrible person for over 500 years. The world would be a better place if you weren't in it.
Katherine: I helped you. I saved you.
Voice: You ruined everything. I've wanted you dead since before I met you.
Katherine: So do a lot people. That's why I was feared.
They run at me and we're both hurled out the window.
Voice: You know it's funny. After centuries of running the elusive Katherine Pierce is going to be killed by none other than-
Okay let's freeze. You may be wondering what's going on and whose trying to kill me, well, now that is. To understand we have to go back 15 years to when it all began. To when my life changed even more than I thought possible. And trust me, I thought that I saw everything coming. But I could never have seen this.

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