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Yuuri was told he's being released from the hospital early because they did more tests and scans and there's no signs of any hidden cancer or any cancer left in his body, his cells have started growing normally again and Yuuri was happy about it, he was ready to marry Viktor and have a happy life with him. He decided to surprise Viktor, he was outside Viktors door at the moment and he smirked as he knocked on the door then saw Viktor open the door with shock, "Yuuri?! You-You're out early!", He was happy but also in shock which made Yuuri giggle, "Yeah. there's no signs of anymore cancer in my body and my cells have started growing and spreading normally again so they said I was good to go, I would've told you but I wanted to surprise you.", Yuuri said giggling as he stepped inside then hugged Viktor. They just stood there for a while hugging each other until there was a knock at the door, Yuuri let go and went to sit on the couch and watch " the office " on TV.

Viktor opened the door and saw Chris there and he suddenly came in along with Minami, Guang hong, Mila, Sara, Otabek, Yurio, Guangghong, Emil, Mickey, and Seung gil. Minami was dragging Phitchit by the back of his jacket which was weird. "Uhm, why is Phitchit being dragged?", Viktor asked which made Yuuri turn the TV off then look over to what was going on and saw that Phitchit looked pretty mad. "Yuuri come here, also, because he didn't wanna be here.", explained Minami.

Yuuri heard Phitchit mumble something but just shrugged it off, "What's going on?", Yuuri asked looking at every one around him and Viktor. He held Viktors hand and their fingers laced together for reassurance, "Yuuri, how could you lie to me..?", Phitchit said standing up and looking at Yuuri in the eyes with some anger but some sadness too, obviously Phitchit was confused about his emotions. "You said you just needed rest, you didn't tell me you had cancer!", Phitchit seemed angry now for sure.

"I'm sorry, I just--"

"Don't. You know what happened to me the last time someone lied to me."

Yuuri was speechless as he looked down with sorrow as he recalled the memory.

⚠trigger warning: homophobia, slurs, suicide.⚠

Phitchit was just a young child, he was about 7 or 6. "Mommy, are you okay?", the young Phitchit asked with concern for his mother's well-being as she had just been hit by his father, her husband, and this wasn't the first time either. it happens every day and this time Phitchit's mom finally lost her cool and was sobbing, she looked over to her son with a fake smile. "I'm fine sweety, do you wanna help with dinner? most of its almost done we just need someone to stir and pour the sauce in.", Phitchits mother was lying so bad but hoped Phitchit wouldn't notice. "okay mommy! go rest and I'll call you when I'm done!", the young boy giggled and ran to the kitchen to look for the thing to stir the dinner and looked for the sauce. meanwhile, his mom was in Phitchits room because he told her that she could go to his room, she was regretting what she was about to do but it was her only escape. He couldn't find the sauce or the thing to stir it so he ran to his room to check on his mom and see if she knew where they were, "Mommy, I can't find--", Phitchit stopped in his tracks as he saw his mother hanging from the ceiling, lifeless, Phitchits face turned white as he started sobbing, he then screamed. "MOMMYYYYY! NOOOOO!! DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THIS HORRIBLEPERSON... please...", his voice became quieter as he sobbed. "alright you little shit why are you--", Phitchits father stopped in his tracks as he saw his wife hanging from the ceiling in his son's room, "shit...", he whispered under his breath. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU HADN'T HIT ME AND MOMMY THEN SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE! I HATE YOU!", Phitchit sobbed in anger and sadness and his dad snarled at him then kicked him in the face and the side 5 times each, leaving bruises everywhere, "maybe if your mother hadnt been such a fag and cheated on me with a woman and if you weren't such a gay faggot then maybe i'd stop.", he snarled as Phitchit coughed and looked angry, "You hit us before I told you I like guys and before mommy cheated on you. besides, maybe she wouldn't have cheated if you didnt cheat on her with 5 other girls and continued to hit her for no reason.", Phitchit managed to say just before blacking out.

(( ay happy birthday Chris you goddamn weirdo also please check out my otayuri fanfic called "what's a soulmate? ", and after this fanfic is over I'm gonna make another victuuri/viktuuri one about the navy. I'm confused whether I should have one of them be a doctor and the other in the navy or both of them in the navy, but I also might not do it but idk, anyways, have a good day! ))

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now