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russianking: Yuuri I'm sorry about yesterday but Yakov was like " we don't need competition watching u!1!1#" and shit

y.nikiforov: it's fine, viktor! really!

russianking: omg- yuuri- your name-

y.nikiforov: what? wait-

russianking: Yuuri nikiforov, has a sweet tone to it~ i like it~

y.nikiforov: Viktorrr you're no help!!!

russianking: I just love the sound of  my last name with your name~

y.nikiforov: aaaahhhhh!!!! I'm changing it back!!!!

russianking: no!!! keep it, please!!!

y.nikiforov: fine. only because you asked....and I sorta like it too.....

russianking: yay~! also my birthday is next month~ what are you gonna get me~?

y.nikiforov: when is it?

russianking: well.... christmas...

y.nikiforov: wow that's actually cool, twice the presents!

russianking: yeah I guess so, I never really liked it because my parents would always just get me one thing each and be like " Oh this is for Christmas and your birthday " and it was always something I hated, like when I was 10 my dad got me a tickle me elmo!

russianking: I was 10!!!

y.nikiforov: I'm sorry viktor, that sounds awful! but if you ever meet my parents they'd probably spoil you to the point you would never leave!

russianking: I like the sound of that~

(( ok quick note: should Viktor go see Yuuri or should Yuuri go see him? comment please! ))

y.nikiforov: I figured you would ;)

russianking: oooh a winky face~ feeling frisky are we now?

y.nikiforov: shut up!!!

russianking: hahaha
russianking: I just love you, yuuri~
russianking: wait fuck sorry is it too early to be saying that?
russianking: fuck I'm sorry

y.nikiforov: omg don't be sorry, I don't care if it's too early to be saying it, because to me it's not. I love you too, Viktor.

russianking: I wish I could here you say it..

y.nikiforov: I wish I could see you say you love me and hear it at the same time..

russianking: I mean you could but that would just be on FaceTime which wouldn't be as good, I deleted Skype because it took up too much space.

y.nikiforov: yeah...
y.nikiforov: hey viktor?

russianking: yes, my little katsudon~?

y.nikiforov: I love you.

russianking: I love you too.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now