Chapter 4

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y.katsuki: so viktor, I was thinking.

Russianking: hm?

y.katsuki: I was thinking, we don't too much about each other so I was thinking we could play 21 questions? i-if you don't m-mind..

russianking: as long as something is with you, I don't mind doing it!

y.katsuki: o-ok.. so, who should go first?

russianking: I will! are you single?

y.katsuki: that was straight forward and a weird question but ok-
y.katsuki: yes. are you single?

russianking: yes~ have you ever dated anyone~?

y.katsuki: n-n-no... have you ever dated a guy?

russianking: nope! have you?

y.katsuki: no.. have you ever... y'know...

russianking: hm?

y.katsuki: done... you know...

russianking: yes, Yuuri~?


russianking: I know what you were trying to say but I wanted to hear you say it because you're so cute~
russianking: but, no~

y.katsuki: VIKTOR !!!!

russianking: yes, Yuuri?

Yuuri stared at his phone and slightly smiled and chuckled, he started typing ' I love you.... ', he then erased the message and started typing again.

y.katsuki: you go.

russianking: you took so long just to type something so short, was there something else you were gonna say?

' yes.. '

y.katsuki: no.. go..

russianking: hmm. ok.
russianking: do you like anyone~?

y.katsuki: n-no..
' yes.. you.. '
y.katsuki: how about you?

' yeah, you. '
russianking: yes. favorite color?

y.katsuki: silver because it's the color of your hair. :) who's your crush?

russianking: oh my god Yuuri that's so cute..

y.katsuki: answer my question!

russianking: it's a secret~
russianking: but it is one of our fellow skaters~
russianking: would you ever date a guy?

y.katsuki: not fair !!!
y.katsuki: but, yes. would you?

russianking: yes~ would you ever date me~?

y.katsuki: W-WH-WHAT?!?!
y.katsuki: i-i-I m-m-m-mean...
y.katsuki: n-no.. wo-would yo-you ev-ever d-date me...?

russianking: oh. maybe. idk.

Viktor was so upset that Yuuri didn't like him, maybe it was because its too early, maybe because he's not attractive, maybe he just wasn't into guys..? Viktor was truly hurt by Yuuri's words, he started to silently sob when Yurio came into his room to see him crying, "Fuck. Viktor, what's wrong?", Viktor didn't want to talk so he just showed his messages between him and Yuuri while sniffling. "THAT LITTLE PIG!!! HE'S BEEN LEADING YOU ON!!!! IT WAS OBVIOUS HE LIKES YOU, WHY THE FUCK DID HE SAY NO?!?!?! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!", Yurio said as he threw Viktors phone on the bed and Viktor grabbed onto Yurio and pulled him into the bed to lay with him, not in a romantic way, but in a mother son way. He hugged Yurio and slightly sobbed as Yurio groaned and just patted Viktor on the head.

Hours later, Viktor was asleep and Yurio was checking his and Yuuri's messages, seeing Yuuri kept messaging Viktor for a while but fell asleep due to Viktor not responding, Yurio sighed and looked at Viktor. "I've never seen him this way before.. he must really like this pig..", Yurio mumbled to himself.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now