Chapter 1

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russianking: hey there cutie

y.katsuki: uhm, hi?

Russianking: I saw that you followed pitchit so I thought I would send you a message!

y.katsuki: oh, uhm, well okay then--

russianking: I must say you're quite cute in your photo in those clothes, I'd bet they look better off you ;)

y.katsuki: excuse me? I think you just earned yourself a one way ticket to my block list.

russianking: NO! WAIT! SORRY!!

y.katsuki: mhm. that's what I thought.
y.katsuki: who even are you anyways?

russianking: my name is Viktor nikiforov!

y.katsuki: well, hello Viktor, my name is Yuuri Katsuki!

russianking: well it was nice to meet you, Yuuri! you're very cute.

y.katsuki: thanks? I guess?

Russianking: now will you send nudes?! ;)

y.katsuki: nope. bye.

russianking: WAIT!
seen 7:01 pm

russianking: yuuuuuuurrrriiiiii~
seen 7:01 pm

russianking: yuuri, I'm sorry! please don't ignore me!
seen 7:02 pm

russianking: AGH! I HATE BEING IGNORED! :( you're so rude!

y.katsuki: you're the one who asked me to send nudes when you don't even know me!

russianking: I know I know, sorry!

y.katsuki: hmph.

Russianking: :((
russianking: yuuuuurrriii~

y.katsuki: what?

russianking: are you mad at me? :'(

y.katsuki: no... just... confused...

russianking: why?

y.katsuki: well, for starters, some random dude messages me and starts calling me cute and starts asking me to send nudes when i dont even know who he is! ( You, of course. ) then you start talking to me like you know me when we just met.

russianking: oh.
Russianking: I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I    just want to make new friends and i saw you followed phitchit so i thought i would talk to you.

y.katsuki: I still don't even know you!

russianking: you know my name! but yeah.. you have a point..

y.katsuki: sorry for being so harsh but that's the way it is. anyways, I have to go to bed now, bye.

Yuuri turns off his phone as he rolls over and sighs, "who exactly is this Viktor? and why is he so weird? why do I feel so weird about him..?", he thought to himself then shrugged and fell asleep.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now