'By the way, Ken suddenly asked, 'have you seen Hakyeonie lately?'

Taekwoon shook his head.

He's been so busy with everything and settling down that he hasn't seen Hakyeon since the funeral.

'I wonder what he's up to. He was really sad when uncle passed away. After all, Hakyeon really looked up to your father as if uncle was his own father. His biological father died when he was younger so Hakyeon doesn't really know the feelings about having a father by his side. Apparently him and uncle grew really close during the time we were in war. I can just imagine Hakyeon being really depressed right now.' Ken sighed.

Taekwoon also worried a lot about Hakyeon.

During the funeral, Taekwoon noticed that Hakyeon was trying to hold back his tears very obviously the entire time. Just when Taekwoon turned around to see Hakyeon was missing from the scene, he became worried that the boy might be hiding somewhere and crying alone.

Except, he didn't expect to find Hakyeon crying in Hongbin's arms... and crying so painfully. As Taekwoon watched from afar and seeing Hakyeon cry so hard, his heart was also in pain. He wanted to rush straight to Hakyeon and comfort him but he was a second too late to do so.

'Ken. Can I ask you something?'

'Sure, go ahead.'

'Who's Lee Hongbin? I only know that he went to our school...'

'Ah, him? Apparently him and Hakyeon when to the same elementary school together. He used to tease Hakyeon a lot when they were younger but when they met again in high school, Hongbin apologized and they're friends now. I guess things worked out in the end for both of them. Hongbin looks after Hakyeon a lot, probably because he feels bad about how he treated Hakyeon in the past?' Ken assumed.

'I see...' Taekwoon sighed.

So Hongbin is closer to Hakyeon compared to himself...

Ken noticed a dejected face on his cousin and couldn't help but crack a smile.

'Are you possibly, jealous?' Ken asked.

'Huh? Uh no. I- I was just wondering, that's all.'

'If you say so~' Ken teased. Could it be that Taekwoon is...

* * * * * *

It wasn't just Taekwoon who has been busy lately. Hakyeon was quite busy himself while helping his mother at the shop.

Winter was right around the corner and many preparations had to be made. There is always an increased of orders and sales during this time of year for the upcoming holidays. Hakyeon thought he wouldn't be able to make it back this year to help out at the shop when he initially left for his journey but one thing after another, he was back home in time for the holidays.

'I'm seriously glad you're here. I don't know what I'd do without you son.' Hakyeon's mother thanked him.

'It's nothing.' He replied.

'Are the boys coming over later to help out as well?' She asked.

'Minhyuk said he'd be here a bit later and Hyuk will be coming too after he meets up with Sungjae.'

'Even though they have their own school and work, they still come to help out every year. You've made such wonderful friends, Hakyeon-ah.'

Hakyeon couldn't agree more.

Then the shop door chimed open.

It was Hongbin.

'Oh? Hongbin-ah. Welcome.' Hakyeon's mother greeted the boy.

(LeoN/NEO) If You...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon